Bernhard Voelkl
Bernhard Voelkl
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Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality
P Abbot, J Abe, J Alcock, S Alizon, JAC Alpedrinha, M Andersson, ...
Nature 471 (7339), E1-E4, 2011
Upwash exploitation and downwash avoidance by flap phasing in ibis formation flight
SJ Portugal, TY Hubel, J Fritz, S Heese, D Trobe, B Voelkl, S Hailes, ...
Nature 505 (7483), 399-402, 2014
True imitation in marmosets
B Voelkl, L Huber
Animal Behaviour 60 (2), 195-202, 2000
Reproducibility of animal research in light of biological variation
B Voelkl, NS Altman, A Forsman, W Forstmeier, J Gurevitch, I Jaric, ...
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 21 (7), 384-393, 2020
Reproducibility of preclinical animal research improves with heterogeneity of study samples
B Voelkl, L Vogt, ES Sena, H Würbel
PLoS biology 16 (2), e2003693, 2018
Supply and demand determine the market value of food providers in wild vervet monkeys
C Fruteau, B Voelkl, E van Damme, R Noë
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (29), 12007-12012, 2009
A social network analysis of primate groups
C Kasper, B Voelkl
Primates 50 (4), 343-356, 2009
Consistent individual differences in the social phenotypes of wild great tits, Parus major
LM Aplin, JA Firth, DR Farine, B Voelkl, RA Crates, A Culina, CJ Garroway, ...
Animal Behaviour 108, 117-127, 2015
The evolution of imitation: what do the capacities of non-human animals tell us about the mechanisms of imitation?
L Huber, F Range, B Voelkl, A Szucsich, Z Viranyi, A Miklosi
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 364 …, 2009
Matching times of leading and following suggest cooperation through direct reciprocity during V-formation flight in ibis
B Voelkl, SJ Portugal, M Unsöld, JR Usherwood, AM Wilson, J Fritz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (7), 2115-2120, 2015
Imitation as faithful copying of a novel technique in marmoset monkeys
B Voelkl, L Huber
PloS one 2 (7), e611, 2007
Effects of cage enrichment on behavior, welfare and outcome variability in female mice
JD Bailoo, E Murphy, M Boada-Saña, JA Varholick, S Hintze, C Baussière, ...
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 12, 232, 2018
Inferring social structure from temporal data
I Psorakis, B Voelkl, CJ Garroway, R Radersma, LM Aplin, RA Crates, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69, 857-866, 2015
The role of social and ecological processes in structuring animal populations: a case study from automated tracking of wild birds
DR Farine, JA Firth, LM Aplin, RA Crates, A Culina, CJ Garroway, ...
Royal Society Open Science 2 (4), 150057, 2015
Social structure of primate interaction networks facilitates the emergence of cooperation
B Voelkl, C Kasper
Biology letters 5 (4), 462-464, 2009
The influence of social structure on the propagation of social information in artificial primate groups: a graph-based simulation approach
B Voelkl, R Noë
Journal of Theoretical Biology 252 (1), 77-86, 2008
Reproducibility Crisis: Are We Ignoring Reaction Norms?
B Voelkl, H Würbel
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 37 (7), 509-510, 2016
Social contact influences the response of infant marmosets towards novel food
B Voelkl, C Schrauf, L Huber
Animal Behaviour 72 (2), 365-372, 2006
Experimental evidence that social relationships determine individual foraging behavior
JA Firth, B Voelkl, DR Farine, BC Sheldon
Current Biology 25 (23), 3138-3143, 2015
Wild birds respond to flockmate loss by increasing their social network associations to others
JA Firth, B Voelkl, RA Crates, LM Aplin, D Biro, DP Croft, BC Sheldon
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284, 20170299, 2017
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