Juan Carlos Martinez Cruzado
Juan Carlos Martinez Cruzado
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An integrated map of genetic variation from 1,092 human genomes
1000 Genomes Project Consortium
Nature 491 (7422), 56, 2012
Integrating sequence and array data to create an improved 1000 Genomes Project haplotype reference panel
O Delaneau, J Marchini
Nature communications 5 (1), 3934, 2014
Reconstructing the population genetic history of the Caribbean
A Moreno-Estrada, S Gravel, F Zakharia, JL McCauley, JK Byrnes, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (11), e1003925, 2013
Reconstructing Native American migrations from whole-genome and whole-exome data
S Gravel, F Zakharia, A Moreno-Estrada, JK Byrnes, M Muzzio, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (12), e1004023, 2013
A course-based research experience: how benefits change with increased investment in instructional time
CD Shaffer, CJ Alvarez, AE Bednarski, D Dunbar, AL Goodman, C Reinke, ...
CBE—Life Sciences Education 13 (1), 111-130, 2014
Coupling-and repulsion-phase RAPDs for marker-assisted selection of PI 181996 rust resistance in common bean
E Johnson, PN Miklas, JR Stavely, JC Martinez-Cruzado
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 90, 659-664, 1995
Reconstructing the population history of Puerto Rico by means of mtDNA phylogeographic analysis
JC Martínez‐Cruzado, G Toro‐Labrador, J Viera‐Vera, MY Rivera‐Vega, ...
American journal of physical anthropology 128 (1), 131-155, 2005
History shaped the geographic distribution of genomic admixture on the island of Puerto Rico
M Via, CR Gignoux, LA Roth, L Fejerman, J Galanter, S Choudhry, ...
PloS one 6 (1), e16513, 2011
Drosophila Muller F Elements Maintain a Distinct Set of Genomic Properties Over 40 Million Years of Evolution
W Leung, CD Shaffer, LK Reed, ST Smith, W Barshop, W Dirkes, ...
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 5 (5), 719-740, 2015
A central support system can facilitate implementation and sustainability of a classroom-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) in genomics
D Lopatto, C Hauser, CJ Jones, D Paetkau, V Chandrasekaran, D Dunbar, ...
CBE—Life Sciences Education 13 (4), 711-723, 2014
Mitochondrial DNA analysis reveals substantial Native American ancestry in Puerto Rico
JC Martínez-Cruzado, G TORO-LABRADOR, V Ho-Fung, ...
Human biology, 491-511, 2001
Ancestry–environment interactions and asthma risk among Puerto Ricans
S Choudhry, EG Burchard, LN Borrell, H Tang, I Gomez, M Naqvi, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 174 (10), 1088-1093, 2006
Evolution of the autosomal chorion locus in Drosophila. I. General organization of the locus and sequence comparisons of genes s15 and s19 in evolutionary distant species.
JC Martinez-Cruzado, C Swimmer, MG Fenerjian, FC Kafatos
Genetics 119 (3), 663-677, 1988
A locally funded Puerto Rican parrot (Amazona vittata) genome sequencing project increases avian data and advances young researcher education
TK Oleksyk, JF Pombert, D Siu, A Mazo-Vargas, B Ramos, W Guiblet, ...
GigaScience 1 (1), 2047-217X-1-14, 2012
Nearly identical allelic distributions of xanthine dehydrogenase in two populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura.
TP Keith, LD Brooks, RC Lewontin, JC Martinez-Cruzado, DL Rigby
Molecular biology and evolution 2 (3), 206-216, 1985
Facilitating growth through frustration: using genomics research in a course-based undergraduate research experience
D Lopatto, AG Rosenwald, JR DiAngelo, AT Hark, M Skerritt, M Wawersik, ...
Journal of microbiology & biology education 21 (1), 10.1128/jmbe. v21i1. 2005, 2020
The use of mitochondrial DNA to discover pre-Columbian migrations to the Caribbean: results for Puerto Rico and expectations for the Dominican Republic
JCM Cruzado
Kacike, 3, 2002
Mitochondrial DNA analysis in Aruba: strong maternal ancestry of closely related Amerindians and implications for the peopling of Northwestern Venezuela
G Toro-Labrador, OR Wever, JC Martinez-Cruzado
Caribbean Journal of Science 39 (1), 11-22, 2003
Evolution of the autosomal chorion cluster inDrosophila. II. Chorion gene expression and sequence comparisons of thes16 ands19 genes in evolutionarily distant …
MG Fenerjian, JC Martínez-Cruzado, C Swimmer, D King, FC Kafatos
Journal of molecular evolution 29, 108-125, 1989
Evolution of the autosomal chorion cluster in Drosophila: III. Comparison of the s18 gene in evolutionarily distant species and heterospecific control of chorion gene amplification
C Swimmer, MG Fenerjian, JC Martínez-Cruzado, FC Kafatos
Journal of molecular biology 215 (2), 225-235, 1990
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