Nico K. Michiels
Nico K. Michiels
Professor in Animal Evolutionary Ecology
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Cited by
A simple method for the calculation of microsatellite genotype distances irrespective of ploidy level
R Bruvo, NK Michiels, TG D’SOUZA, H Schulenburg
Molecular ecology 13 (7), 2101-2106, 2004
Competition and Sexual Selection. Academic Press, London, England.
NK Michiels
Multiple reciprocal adaptations and rapid genetic change upon experimental coevolution of an animal host and its microbial parasite
RD Schulte, C Makus, B Hasert, NK Michiels, H Schulenburg
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (16), 7359-7364, 2010
How do invertebrates generate a highly specific innate immune response?
H Schulenburg, C Boehnisch, NK Michiels
Molecular immunology 44 (13), 3338-3344, 2007
Sex and violence in hermaphrodites
NK Michiels, LJ Newman
Nature 391 (6668), 647-647, 1998
Functions, diversity, and evolution of traumatic mating
R Lange, K Reinhardt, NK Michiels, N Anthes
Biological Reviews 88 (3), 585-601, 2013
Sperm digestion and reciprocal sperm transfer can drive hermaphrodite sex allocation to equality
JM Greeff, NK Michiels
The American Naturalist 153 (4), 421-430, 1999
Red fluorescence in reef fish: a novel signalling mechanism?
NK Michiels, N Anthes, NS Hart, J Herler, AJ Meixner, F Schleifenbaum, ...
BMC ecology 8, 1-14, 2008
Phylogeography of competing sexual and parthenogenetic forms of a freshwater flatworm: patterns and explanations
N Pongratz, M Storhas, S Carranza, NK Michiels
BMC Evolutionary Biology 3, 1-15, 2003
The costs and benefits of occasional sex: theoretical predictions and a case study
TG D'Souza, NK Michiels
Journal of Heredity 101 (suppl_1), S34-S41, 2010
Trade‐off between male and female allocation in the simultaneously hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum sp.
L Schärer, P Sandner, NK Michiels
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18 (2), 396-404, 2005
Sex role preferences, gender conflict and sperm trading in simultaneous hermaphrodites: a new framework
N Anthes, A Putz, NK Michiels
Animal Behaviour 72 (1), 1-12, 2006
Host–Pathogen Coevolution: The Selective Advantage of Bacillus thuringiensis Virulence and Its Cry Toxin Genes
L Masri, A Branca, AE Sheppard, A Papkou, D Laehnemann, ...
PLoS biology 13 (6), e1002169, 2015
Spectral tuning of phototaxis by a go-opsin in the rhabdomeric eyes of Platynereis
M Gühmann, H Jia, N Randel, C Verasztó, LA Bezares-Calderón, ...
Current Biology 25 (17), 2265-2271, 2015
Precopulatory mate assessment in relation to body size in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris: avoidance of dangerous liaisons?
NK Michiels, A Hohner, IC Vorndran
Behavioral Ecology 12 (5), 612-618, 2001
Animal behaviour: evolution and mechanisms
N Anthes, R Bergmüller, W Blanckenhorn, HJ Brockmann, C Fichtel, ...
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
Flatworms flatten to size up each other
C Vreys, NK Michiels
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1997
Characteristics of dispersal in sexually mature dragonflies
NK Michiels, AA Dhondt
Ecological Entomology 16 (4), 449-459, 1991
Protist-type lysozymes of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans contribute to resistance against pathogenic Bacillus thuringiensis
C Boehnisch, D Wong, M Habig, K Isermann, NK Michiels, T Roeder, ...
PloS one 6 (9), e24619, 2011
How does breeding system variation modulate sexual antagonism?
S Bedhomme, G Bernasconi, JM Koene, Å Lankinen, HS Arathi, ...
Biology Letters 5 (5), 717-720, 2009
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Articles 1–20