Ana De Abreu
Ana De Abreu
Senior Data Scientist
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Look around you: Saliency maps for omnidirectional images in VR applications
A De Abreu, C Ozcinar, A Smolic
2017 Ninth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience …, 2017
Viewport-aware adaptive 360 video streaming using tiles for virtual reality
C Ozcinar, A De Abreu, A Smolic
2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2174-2178, 2017
Optimizing multiview video plus depth prediction structures for interactive multiview video streaming
A De Abreu, P Frossard, F Pereira
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 9 (3), 487-500, 2015
Estimation of optimal encoding ladders for tiled 360 VR video in adaptive streaming systems
C Ozcinar, A De Abreu, S Knorr, A Smolic
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 45-52, 2017
Optimal Lagrange multipliers for dependent rate allocation in video coding
A De Abreu, G Cheung, P Frossard, F Pereira
Signal Processing: Image Communication 63, 113-124, 2018
Optimized MVC prediction structures for interactive multiview video streaming
A De Abreu, P Frossard, F Pereira
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 20 (6), 603-606, 2013
Optimal layered representation for adaptive interactive multiview video streaming
A De Abreu, L Toni, N Thomos, T Maugey, F Pereira, P Frossard
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 33, 255-264, 2015
Viewport-aware adaptive 360 {\deg} video streaming using tiles for virtual reality
C Ozcinar, A De Abreu, A Smolic
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.02386, 2017
Fast MVC prediction structure selection for interactive multiview video streaming
A De Abreu, P Frossard, F Pereira
2013 Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), 169-172, 2013
Multiview video representations for quality-scalable navigation
A De Abreu, L Toni, T Maugey, N Thomos, P Frossard, F Pereira
2014 IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference, 295-298, 2014
Visualizing user's personality and information in 3D environments, a step beyond avatars
A De Abreu, M Kurze
Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation, 303-308, 2002
Analysis and design of virtual reality applications in the WEB: a case of study
A De Abreu, O Rodriguez, A Matteo
1999 IEEE International Conference on Information Visualization (Cat. No …, 1999
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