Dr. Hesam Omranpour
Cited by
Cited by
Task scheduling using NSGA II with fuzzy adaptive operators for computational grids
R Salimi, H Motameni, H Omranpour
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 74 (5), 2333-2350, 2014
A novel genetic algorithm in LEACH-C routing protocol for sensor networks
A Rahmanian, H Omranpour, M Akbari, K Raahemifar
2011 24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE …, 2011
Stacking ensemble model of deep learning and its application to Persian/Arabic handwritten digits recognition
F Haghighi, H Omranpour
Knowledge-Based Systems 220, 106940, 2021
Solving robot path planning problem by using a new elitist multi-objective IWD algorithm based on coefficient of variation
S Salmanpour, H Monfared, H Omranpour
Soft Computing 21 (11), 3063-3079, 2017
Phase space elliptic density feature for epileptic EEG signals classification using metaheuristic optimization method
N Darjani, H Omranpour
Knowledge-Based Systems 205, 106276, 2020
Dynamic particle swarm optimization for multimodal function
H Omranpour, M Ebadzadeh, S Shiry, S Barzegar
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 1 (1), 1, 2012
Task scheduling with Load balancing for computational grid using NSGA II with fuzzy mutation
R Salimi, H Motameni, H Omranpour
2012 2nd IEEE international conference on parallel, distributed and grid …, 2012
Intelligent system for continuous gas lift operation and design with unlimited gas supply
E Khamehchi, F Rashidi, H Omranpour, SS Ghidary, A Ebrahimian, ...
Journal of Applied Sciences 9 (10), 1889-1897, 2009
An improved method for edge detection and image segmentation using fuzzy cellular automata
R Shahverdi, M Tavana, A Ebrahimnejad, K Zahedi, H Omranpour
Cybernetics and Systems 47 (3), 161-179, 2016
An intelligent water drops algorithm for solving robot path planning problem
S Salmanpour, H Omranpour, H Motameni
2013 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and …, 2013
Environment multiple-layer map, inspired from hippocampal function
H Omranpour, S Shiry, S Gharibzadeh
The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 24 (3), E1-E1, 2012
Intrusion detection systems using real-valued negative selection algorithm with optimized detectors
F Selahshoor, H Jazayeriy, H Omranpour
2019 5th Iranian conference on signal processing and intelligent systems …, 2019
A heuristic supervised Euclidean data difference dimension reduction for KNN classifier and its application to visual place classification
H Omranpour, S Shiry Ghidary
Neural Computing and Applications 27, 1867-1881, 2016
CSP-Ph-PS: Learning CSP-phase space and Poincare sections based on evolutionary algorithm for EEG signals recognition
H Pourali, H Omranpour
Expert Systems with Applications 211, 118621, 2023
Mobile robot global localization using imperialist competitive algorithm
A Tamimi, H Sadjadian, H Omranpour
2010 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and …, 2010
Application of artificial neural network in cable life time estimation and its failure rate per 100 km
AH Ranjbar, R Adnani, H Omranpour
2008 IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, 22-25, 2008
Random forest and rotation forest ensemble methods for classification of epileptic EEG signals based on improved 1D‐LBP feature extraction
A Geran Malek, M Mansoori, H Omranpour
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 31 (1), 189-203, 2021
Epileptic seizure classification using ConvLSTM deep classifier and rotation short-time Fourier Transform
M Chalaki, H Omranpour
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14 (4), 3809-3825, 2023
Distributed coloring of the graph edges
H Omranpour, M Ebadzadeh, S Barzegar, M Shojafar
2008 7th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems, 1-5, 2008
Reduced search space algorithm for simultaneous localization and mapping in mobile robots
H Omranpour, S Shiry
IAES International Journal of Robotics and Automation 1 (1), 49, 2012
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Articles 1–20