Margit Kirs (Suurna until June 2012)
Margit Kirs (Suurna until June 2012)
Research Fellow, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of
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Cited by
Europeanization of innovation policy in Central and Eastern Europe
M Suurna, R Kattel
Science and Public Policy 37 (9), 646-664, 2010
Industrial restructuring and innovation policy in Central and Eastern Europe since 1990
ES Reinert, R Kattel, M Suurna
The Other Canon Foundation and Tallinn University of Technology Working …, 2009
Public procurement for innovation in Baltic metropolises
V Lember, T Kalvet, R Kattel, C Penna, M Suurna
Tallinn: Tallinn University of Technology, 2007
The developments in the business models of biotechnology in the Central and Eastern European countries: The example of Estonia
M Suurna
Journal of Commercial Biotechnology 17, 84-108, 2011
Transformative change and policy-making: the case of bioeconomy policies in the EU frontrunners and lessons for latecomers
M Kirs, E Karo, K Ukrainski
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 35 (4), 514-546, 2022
The rise and fall of the Estonian genome project
R Kattel, M Suurna
Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 2 (2), 2008
Status and Developments of eLearning in the EU10 Member States: the cases of Estonia, Hungary and Slovenia
K ALA‐MUTKA, P Gaspar, G Kismihok, M Suurna, V Vehovar
European Journal of Education 45 (3), 494-513, 2010
Strategic behaviour of research groups within the entrepreneurial university policy rhetoric: the Estonian biotechnology sector
M Kirs, E Karo, P Lumi
Science and Public Policy 44 (6), 802-820, 2017
Segregation of EU13 countries in EU framework programmes illuminates important challenges for cohesion policy
K Ukrainski, H Kanep, M Kirs, E Karo
CESifo Forum 19 (1), 16-23, 2018
Technology transfer in economic periphery: Emerging patterns and policy challenges
M Kirs, V Lember, E Karo
Review of Policy Research 38 (6), 677-706, 2021
Participation in ERA and Baltic Sea RDI Initiatives and Activities: Analysis and Policy Implications for Widening Participation of Strong and Moderate Innovators
K Ukrainski, E Karo, M Kirs, H Kanep
European Union. European Regional Development Fund, 2017
Estonian Potential in Framework Programmes: Analysis and Policy Options
K Ukrainski, M Kirs, E Karo, H Kanep, T Hirv, Y Shin
Support for Knowledge-based Policy Formulation by RITA, Activity 4, 2018
The current state of clusters in Estonia and the possible role for local government initiatives: the cases of ICT, electronics, health care and biotechnology in Tallinn
R Kattel, T Kalvet, E Karo, M Suurna
Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2007
Expansion of science-based industries: technological and organisational accumulation vs. fragmentation? Insights from biotechnology in Estonia
M Kirs
International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development …, 2016
International R&D networks of firms: A country-level analysis of the EU framework programmes
K Ukrainski, H Kanep, M Kirs, E Karo
Ordnungspolitische Diskurse, 2019
Eesti ettevõtete osalemine rahvusvahelistes väärtusahelates ja poliitikameetmed kõrgemat lisandväärtust andvate tootmisprotsesside toetamiseks
E Karo, J Müür, M Kirs, E Juuse, K Ukrainski, Y Shin, N Kokashvili, ...
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Tartu Ülikool, Tallinna Ülikool, Tallinn, 2018
The Development of eServices in an Enlarged EU: eLearning in Estonia
M Suurna, R Kattel
Dictus Publishing, 2011
Internationalisation of firms' research and development activities: the experience from European Union framework programs
K Ukrainski, H Kanep, M Kirs, E Karo
International Journal of Export Marketing 2 (4), 291-315, 2018
The Dynamics of Technology Transfer in a Catching-up Innovation System: Empirical Evidence and Actor Perceptions from the Estonian Biotechnology Sector
M Kirs, V Lember, E Karo
The Other Canon Foundation and Tallinn University of Technology Working …, 2017
Innovation and high-technology policy, policy making and implementation in Central and Eastern European countries: case of Estonia
M Suurna
Innovation and Development 2 (1), 194-194, 2012
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Articles 1–20