Lan K Jian
Lan K Jian
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
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Properties of interplanetary coronal mass ejections at one AU during 1995–2004
L Jian, CT Russell, JG Luhmann, RM Skoug
Solar Physics 239, 393-436, 2006
Properties of stream interactions at one AU during 1995–2004
L Jian, CT Russell, JG Luhmann, RM Skoug
Solar Physics 239, 337-392, 2006
Ensemble modeling of CMEs using the WSA–ENLIL+ Cone model
ML Mays, A Taktakishvili, A Pulkkinen, PJ MacNeice, L Rastätter, ...
Solar Physics 290, 1775-1814, 2015
Comparing solar minimum 23/24 with historical solar wind records at 1 AU
LK Jian, CT Russell, JG Luhmann
Solar Physics 274, 321-344, 2011
How unprecedented a solar minimum?
CT Russell, JG Luhmann, LK Jian
Reviews of Geophysics 48 (2), 2010
Ion cyclotron waves in the solar wind observed by STEREO near 1 AU
LK Jian, CT Russell, JG Luhmann, RJ Strangeway, JS Leisner, AB Galvin
The Astrophysical Journal 701 (2), L105, 2009
Multi-point shock and flux rope analysis of multiple interplanetary coronal mass ejections around 2010 August 1 in the inner heliosphere
C Möstl, CJ Farrugia, EKJ Kilpua, LK Jian, Y Liu, JP Eastwood, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 758 (1), 10, 2012
Validation for solar wind prediction at Earth: Comparison of coronal and heliospheric models installed at the CCMC
LK Jian, PJ MacNeice, A Taktakishvili, D Odstrcil, B Jackson, HS Yu, ...
Space Weather 13 (5), 316-338, 2015
Magnetic field and particle measurements made by Voyager 2 at and near the heliopause
LF Burlaga, NF Ness, DB Berdichevsky, J Park, LK Jian, A Szabo, ...
Nature Astronomy 3 (11), 1007-1012, 2019
Electromagnetic waves near the proton cyclotron frequency: STEREO observations
LK Jian, HY Wei, CT Russell, JG Luhmann, B Klecker, N Omidi, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 786 (2), 123, 2014
Verification of real-time WSA− ENLIL+ Cone simulations of CME arrival-time at the CCMC from 2010 to 2016
AM Wold, ML Mays, A Taktakishvili, LK Jian, D Odstrcil, P MacNeice
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 8, A17, 2018
Ion‐driven instabilities in the solar wind: Wind observations of 19 March 2005
SP Gary, LK Jian, TW Broiles, ML Stevens, JJ Podesta, JC Kasper
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121 (1), 30-41, 2016
Multipoint ICME encounters: Pre-STEREO and STEREO observations
EKJ Kilpua, LK Jian, Y Li, JG Luhmann, CT Russell
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 73 (10), 1228-1241, 2011
Small solar wind transients and their connection to the large-scale coronal structure
EKJ Kilpua, JG Luhmann, J Gosling, Y Li, H Elliott, CT Russell, L Jian, ...
Solar Physics 256, 327-344, 2009
Characteristic size and shape of the mirror mode structures in the solar wind at 0.72 AU
TL Zhang, CT Russell, W Baumjohann, LK Jian, MA Balikhin, JB Cao, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (10), 2008
Observations of ion cyclotron waves in the solar wind near 0.3 AU
LK Jian, CT Russell, JG Luhmann, BJ Anderson, SA Boardsen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 115 (A12), 2010
STEREO Observations of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections in 2007-2016
ABG LK Jian, CT Russell, JG Luhmann
The Astrophysical Journal 885 (2), 114, 2018
A proton-cyclotron wave storm generated by unstable proton distribution functions in the solar wind
RT Wicks, RL Alexander, M Stevens, LB Wilson III, PS Moya, A Viñas, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 819 (1), 6, 2016
Comparison of Observations at ACE and Ulysses with Enlil Model Results: Stream Interaction Regions During Carrington Rotations 2016 – 2018
LK Jian, CT Russell, JG Luhmann, PJ MacNeice, D Odstrcil, P Riley, ...
Solar Physics 273, 179-203, 2011
Solar wind observations at STEREO: 2007-2011
LK Jian, CT Russell, JG Luhmann, AB Galvin, KDC Simunac
AIP Conference Proceedings 1539 (1), 191-194, 2013
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Articles 1–20