Anita Manatschal
Anita Manatschal
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Freiwilligen-monitor schweiz 2016
M Freitag, A Manatschal
Seismo, 2016
Taking cantonal variations of integration policy seriously—Or how to validate international concepts at the subnational comparative level
A Manatschal
Swiss Political Science Review 17 (3), 336-357, 2011
Reciprocity and volunteering
A Manatschal, M Freitag
Rationality and society 26 (2), 208-235, 2014
Online volunteering as a means to overcome unequal participation? The profiles of online and offline volunteers compared
K Ackermann, A Manatschal
new media & society 20 (12), 4453-4472, 2018
Path-dependent or dynamic? Cantonal integration policies between regional citizenship traditions and right populist party politics
A Manatschal
Ethnic and racial studies 35 (2), 281-297, 2012
Making regional citizens? The political drivers and effects of subnational immigrant integration policies in Europe and North America
A Manatschal, V Wisthaler, CI Zuber
Regional Studies 54 (11), 1475-1485, 2020
Coping with a changing integration policy context: American state policies and their effects on immigrant political engagement
A Filindra, A Manatschal
Regional Studies 54 (11), 1546-1557, 2020
Do integration policies affect immigrants' voluntary engagement? An exploration at Switzerland's subnational level
A Manatschal, I Stadelmann-Steffen
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 40 (3), 404-423, 2014
Ethnic diversity, social trust and the moderating role of subnational integration policy
B Gundelach, A Manatschal
Political Studies 65 (2), 413-431, 2017
Switzerland–Really Europe's Heart of Darkness?
A Manatschal
Swiss Political Science Review 21 (1), 23-35, 2015
Policies and prejudice: Integration policies moderate the link between immigrant presence and anti-immigrant prejudice.
J Kende, O Sarrasin, A Manatschal, K Phalet, EGT Green
Journal of personality and social psychology 123 (2), 337, 2022
Cantonal variations of integration policy and their impact on immigrant educational inequality
A Manatschal, I Stadelmann-Steffen
Comparative European Politics 11 (5), 671-695, 2013
Reciprocity as a trigger of social cooperation in contemporary immigration societies?
A Manatschal
Acta Sociologica 58 (3), 233-248, 2015
Kantonale Integrationspolitik im Vergleich. Eine Untersuchung der Determinanten und Auswirkungen subnationaler Politikvielfalt
A Manatschal
Where and why immigrants intend to naturalize: the interplay between acculturation strategies and integration policies
E Politi, S Bennour, A Lüders, A Manatschal, EGT Green
Political Psychology 43 (3), 437-455, 2022
Immigrants’ feelings of attachment to Switzerland: Does the cantonal context matter?
S Bennour, A Manatschal
Migrants and expats: The Swiss migration and mobility nexus, 189-220, 2019
Differential discrimination against mobile EU citizens: experimental evidence from bureaucratic choice settings
C Adam, X Fernández-i-Marín, O James, A Manatschal, C Rapp, ...
Journal of European Public Policy 28 (5), 742-760, 2021
Welche Schweizer wählen die SVP und warum?
A Manatschal, C Rapp
Wahlen und Wählerschaft in der Schweiz, NZZ Libro, 2015///187-215, 2015
Identifying context and cause in small-N settings: a comparative multilevel analysis
E Thomann, A Manatschal
Policy sciences 49, 335-348, 2016
Consenting to exclude? Empirical patterns of democracy and immigrant integration policy
A Manatschal, J Bernauer
West European Politics 39 (2), 183-204, 2016
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