Antonio Bueno Martinez
Antonio Bueno Martinez
VLC Photonics
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Fast thermal regeneration of fiber Bragg gratings
A Bueno, D Kinet, P Mégret, C Caucheteur
Optics Letters 38 (20), 4178-4181, 2013
FBGs written in specialty fiber for high pressure/high temperature measurement
JY Huang, J Van Roosbroeck, J Vlekken, AB Martinez, T Geernaert, ...
Optics express 25 (15), 17936-17947, 2017
Temperature sensor based on colloidal quantum dots–PMMA nanocomposite waveguides
A Bueno, I Suarez, R Abargues, S Sales, JPM Pastor
IEEE sensors journal 12 (10), 3069-3074, 2012
Reversible NO2 Optical Fiber Chemical Sensor Based on LuPc2 Using Simultaneous Transmission of UV and Visible Light
A Bueno, D Lahem, C Caucheteur, M Debliquy
Sensors 15 (5), 9870-9881, 2015
Effect of hydrogen gas on FBG-based optical fiber sensors for downhole pressure and temperature monitoring
JY Huang, J Van Roosbroeck, J Vlekken, D Kinet, AB Martinez, ...
Optics Express 27 (4), 5487-5501, 2019
Optical Fibre NO2 Sensor Based on Lutetium Bisphthalocyanine in a Mesoporous Silica Matrix
M Debliquy, D Lahem, A Bueno-Martinez, C Caucheteur, M Bouvet, ...
Sensors 18 (3), 740, 2018
Chemical composition gratings in Germanium doped and Boron-Germanium co-doped fibers
D Barrera, V Finazzi, G Coviello, A Bueno, S Sales, V Pruneri
Optical Sensing and Detection 7726, 51-57, 2010
Review of the use of the optical fibers for safety applications in tunnels and car parks: pollution monitoring, fire and explosive gas detection
M Debliquy, D Lahem, A Bueno-Martinez, G Ravet, JM Renoirt, ...
Sensing Technology: Current Status and Future Trends III, 1-24, 2015
Monitoring of a steel incrementally launched bridge construction with strain and temperature FBGs sensors
A Bueno, B Torres, D Barrera, P Calderón, S Sales
SPIE Photonics Europe, 772620-772620-8, 2010
Optical fiber sensors embedded in concrete for measurement of temperature in a real fire test
A Bueno, B Torres, D Barrera, PA Calderón, JM Lloris, MJ López, S Sales
Optical Engineering 50 (12), 124404-124404-7, 2011
Packaged FBG based optical fiber sensor for simultaneous pressure and temperature monitoring
JY Huang, J Van Roosbroeck, J Vlekken, E Daerden, AB Martinez, ...
Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications XV 10654, 93-99, 2018
Hybrid interrogation system for distributed fiber strain sensors and point temperature sensors based on pulse correlation and FBGs
A Bueno, K Nonaka, S Sales
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 21 (22), 1671-1673, 2009
On the use of optical fiber sensors (CCGs and PCFI) for harsh environments
D Barrera, V Finazzi, J Villatoro, A Bueno, S Sales, V Pruneri
Waves 2, 126-133, 2010
Fiber strain measurement for wide region quasidistributed sensing by optical correlation sensor with region separation techniques
X Xu, A Bueno, K Nonaka, S Sales
Journal of Sensors 2010 (1), 839803, 2010
Fiber Bragg grating sensors written by femtosecond laser pulses in micro-structured fiber for downhole pressure monitoring
JY Huang, J Van Roosbroeck, AB Martinez, T Geernaert, F Berghmans, ...
2017 25th Optical Fiber Sensors Conference (OFS), 1-4, 2017
Refractive index sensors based on optical fiber hetero-core structures and Fabry-Pérot interferometers
A Bueno, C Caucheteur, D Kinet, P Mégret
Fifth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors 8794, 149-152, 2013
Fiber Bragg grating sensors embedded in concrete samples for a normalized fire test
A Bueno, B Torres, D Barrera, P Calderón, JM Lloris, MJ López, S Sales
21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors 7753, 1288-1291, 2011
Nitrogen dioxide sensor based on optical fiber coated with a porous silica matrix incorporating lutetium bisphthalocyanine
M Debliquy, D Lahem, A Bueno Martinez, C Caucheteur, M Bouvet, ...
Hydrogen influence on regenerated FBGs produced by the phase mask technique with 266 nm femtosecond pulses
A Bueno, K Chah, D Kinet, P Mégret, C Caucheteur
Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity, and Poling in Glass Waveguides, BW4D. 3, 2014
Wavelength encoded fiber sensor for extreme temperature range
D Barrera, V Finazzi, G Coviello, A Bueno, S Sales, V Pruneri
(EWOFS'10) Fourth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, 76530E-76530E-4, 2010
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Articles 1–20