Solomon Hsiang
Solomon Hsiang
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Global non-linear effect of temperature on economic production
M Burke, S Hsiang, E Miguel
Nature 527 (7577), 235-239, 2015
Quantifying the influence of climate on human conflict
SM Hsiang, M Burke, E Miguel
Science 341 (6151), 1235367, 2013
The effect of large-scale anti-contagion policies on the COVID-19 pandemic
S Hsiang, D Allen, S Annan-Phan, K Bell, I Bolliger, T Chong, ...
Nature 584 (7820), 262-267, 2020
Temperatures and cyclones strongly associated with economic production in the Caribbean and Central America
SM Hsiang
Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences 107 (35), 15367-15372, 2010
Social and economic impacts of climate
TA Carleton, SM Hsiang
Science 353 (6304), aad9837, 2016
Estimating economic damage from climate change in the United States
S Hsiang, R Kopp, A Jina, J Rising, M Delgado, S Mohan, DJ Rasmussen, ...
Science 356 (6345), 1362-1369, 2017
Civil conflicts are associated with the global climate
SM Hsiang, KC Meng, MA Cane
Nature 476 (7361), 438-441, 2011
Climate and conflict
M Burke, SM Hsiang, E Miguel
Annual Review of Economics 7 (1), 577-617, 2015
Using Weather Data and Climate Model Output in Economic Analyses of Climate Change
M Auffhammer, S Hsiang, W Schlenker, A Sobel
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 7 (2), 2013
The Causal Effect of Environmental Catastrophe on Long-Run Economic Growth: Evidence From 6,700 Cyclones
SM Hsiang, AS Jina
NBER Working Paper Series, 2014
Climate Econometrics
SM Hsiang
Annual Review of Resource Economics 8 (1), 43-75, 2016
Emergent risks and key vulnerabilities
M Oppenheimer, M Campos, R Warren, J Birkmann, G Luber, B O’Neill, ...
Climate change 2014 impacts, adaptation and vulnerability: part a: global …, 2015
The marginal product of climate
T Deryugina, S Hsiang
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017
Higher temperatures increase suicide rates in the United States and Mexico
M Burke, F González, P Baylis, S Heft-Neal, C Baysan, S Basu, S Hsiang
Nature climate change 8 (8), 723-729, 2018
Nonlinear permanent migration response to climatic variations but minimal response to disasters
P Bohra-Mishra, M Oppenheimer, SM Hsiang
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 111 (27), 9780-9785, 2014
Temperature and human capital in the short and long run
J Graff Zivin, SM Hsiang, M Neidell
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 5 (1 …, 2018
Valuing the global mortality consequences of climate change accounting for adaptation costs and benefits
T Carleton, A Jina, M Delgado, M Greenstone, T Houser, S Hsiang, ...
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 137 (4), 2037-2105, 2022
Climate, conflict, and social stability: what does the evidence say?
SM Hsiang, M Burke
Climatic change 123, 39-55, 2014
Destruction, Disinvestment, and Death: Economic and Human Losses Following Environmental Disaster
JK Anttila-Hughes, SM Hsiang
Detection and attribution of observed impacts
W Cramer, GW Yohe, M Auffhammer, C Huggel, U Molau, ...
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Articles 1–20