Hong Jin Fan  (范红金)
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Cited by
Water photolysis at 12.3% efficiency via perovskite photovoltaics and Earth-abundant catalysts
J Luo, JH Im, MT Mayer, M Schreier, MK Nazeeruddin, NG Park, SD Tilley, ...
Science 345 (6204), 1593-1596, 2014
Recent Advances in Zn‐Ion Batteries
M Song, H Tan, D Chao, HJ Fan
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (41), 1802564, 2018
Array of nanosheets render ultrafast and high-capacity Na-ion storage by tunable pseudocapacitance
D Chao, C Zhu, P Yang, X Xia, J Liu, J Wang, X Fan, SV Savilov, J Lin, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12122, 2016
Co3O4 Nanowire@ MnO2 Ultrathin Nanosheet Core/Shell Arrays: A New Class of High‐Performance Pseudocapacitive Materials
J Liu, J Jiang, C Cheng, H Li, J Zhang, H Gong, HJ Fan
Advanced Materials 23 (18), 2076-2081, 2011
Transition metal carbides and nitrides in energy storage and conversion
Y Zhong, X Xia, F Shi, J Zhan, J Tu, HJ Fan
Advanced science 3 (5), 1500286, 2016
High-quality metal oxide core/shell nanowire arrays on conductive substrates for electrochemical energy storage
X Xia, J Tu, Y Zhang, X Wang, C Gu, X Zhao, HJ Fan
ACS nano 6 (6), 5531-5538, 2012
Formation of nanotubes and hollow nanoparticles based on Kirkendall and diffusion processes: a review
HJ Fan, U Gösele, M Zacharias
Small 3 (10), 1660-1671, 2007
Semiconductor nanowires: from self‐organization to patterned growth
HJ Fan, P Werner, M Zacharias
small 2 (6), 700-717, 2006
Exceptional performance of hierarchical Ni–Fe oxyhydroxide@ NiFe alloy nanowire array electrocatalysts for large current density water splitting
C Liang, P Zou, A Nairan, Y Zhang, J Liu, K Liu, S Hu, F Kang, HJ Fan, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 13 (1), 86-95, 2020
Nonaqueous Hybrid Lithium‐Ion and Sodium‐Ion Capacitors
H Wang, C Zhu, D Chao, Q Yan, HJ Fan
Advanced Materials 29 (46), 1702093, 2017
Three-dimensional graphene foam supported Fe3O4 lithium battery anodes with long cycle life and high rate capability
J Luo, J Liu, Z Zeng, CF Ng, L Ma, H Zhang, J Lin, Z Shen, HJ Fan
Nano letters 13 (12), 6136-6143, 2013
Monocrystalline spinel nanotube fabrication based on the Kirkendall effect
H Jin Fan, M Knez, R Scholz, K Nielsch, E Pippel, D Hesse, M Zacharias, ...
Nature materials 5 (8), 627-631, 2006
Rapid Synthesis of Cobalt Nitride Nanowires: Highly Efficient and Low‐Cost Catalysts for Oxygen Evolution
Y Zhang, B Ouyang, J Xu, G Jia, S Chen, RS Rawat, HJ Fan
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (30), 8670-8674, 2016
A High‐Rate and Stable Quasi‐Solid‐State Zinc‐Ion Battery with Novel 2D Layered Zinc Orthovanadate Array
D Chao, C Zhu, M Song, P Liang, X Zhang, NH Tiep, H Zhao, J Wang, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (32), 1803181, 2018
Design Strategies for High‐Energy‐Density Aqueous Zinc Batteries
P Ruan, S Liang, B Lu, HJ Fan, J Zhou
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 (17), e202200598, 2022
In situ transformation of MOFs into layered double hydroxide embedded metal sulfides for improved electrocatalytic and supercapacitive performance
G Yilmaz, KM Yam, C Zhang, HJ Fan, GW Ho
Advanced Materials 29 (26), 1606814, 2017
Interlayer Transition and Infrared Photodetection in Atomically Thin Type-II MoTe2/MoS2 van der Waals Heterostructures
K Zhang, T Zhang, G Cheng, T Li, S Wang, W Wei, X Zhou, W Yu, Y Sun, ...
ACS nano 10 (3), 3852-3858, 2016
Graphene Quantum Dots Coated VO2 Arrays for Highly Durable Electrodes for Li and Na Ion Batteries
D Chao, C Zhu, X Xia, J Liu, X Zhang, J Wang, P Liang, J Lin, H Zhang, ...
Nano letters 15 (1), 565-573, 2015
3D Porous Hierarchical Nickel–Molybdenum Nitrides Synthesized by RF Plasma as Highly Active and Stable Hydrogen‐Evolution‐Reaction Electrocatalysts
Y Zhang, B Ouyang, J Xu, S Chen, RS Rawat, HJ Fan
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (11), 1600221, 2016
A V2O5/Conductive‐Polymer Core/Shell Nanobelt Array on Three‐Dimensional Graphite Foam: A High‐Rate, Ultrastable, and Freestanding Cathode for Lithium‐Ion Batteries
D Chao, X Xia, J Liu, Z Fan, CF Ng, J Lin, H Zhang, ZX Shen, HJ Fan
Advanced Materials 26 (33), 5794-5800, 2014
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Articles 1–20