Daniel Apai
Daniel Apai
Professor at The University of Arizona
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A giant planet imaged in the disk of the young star β Pictoris
AM Lagrange, M Bonnefoy, G Chauvin, D Apai, D Ehrenreich, A Boccaletti, ...
Science 329 (5987), 57-59, 2010
A steeper than linear disk mass–stellar mass scaling relation
I Pascucci, L Testi, GJ Herczeg, F Long, CF Manara, N Hendler, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 831 (2), 125, 2016
The transit light source effect: false spectral features and incorrect densities for M-dwarf transiting planets
BV Rackham, D Apai, MS Giampapa
The Astrophysical Journal 853 (2), 122, 2018
A combined Subaru/VLT/MMT 1–5 μm study of planets orbiting HR 8799: Implications for atmospheric properties, masses, and formation
T Currie, A Burrows, Y Itoh, S Matsumura, M Fukagawa, D Apai, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 729 (2), 128, 2011
A stellar-mass-dependent drop in planet occurrence rates
GD Mulders, I Pascucci, D Apai
The Astrophysical Journal 798 (2), 112, 2015
Nearby debris disk systems with high fractional luminosity reconsidered
A Moór, P Ábrahám, A Derekas, C Kiss, LL Kiss, D Apai, C Grady, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 644 (1), 525, 2006
Weather on other worlds. II. Survey results: spots are ubiquitous on L and T dwarfs
SA Metchev, A Heinze, D Apai, D Flateau, J Radigan, A Burgasser, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 799 (2), 154, 2015
HST spectral mapping of L/T transition brown dwarfs reveals cloud thickness variations
D Apai, J Radigan, E Buenzli, A Burrows, IN Reid, R Jayawardhana
The Astrophysical Journal 768 (2), 121, 2013
An increase in the mass of planetary systems around lower-mass stars
GD Mulders, I Pascucci, D Apai
The Astrophysical Journal 814 (2), 130, 2015
The exoplanet population observation simulator. I. the inner edges of planetary systems
GD Mulders, I Pascucci, D Apai, FJ Ciesla
The Astronomical Journal 156 (1), 24, 2018
Shadows and spirals in the protoplanetary disk HD 100453
M Benisty, T Stolker, A Pohl, J De Boer, G Lesur, C Dominik, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 597, A42, 2017
The onset of planet formation in brown dwarf disks
D Apai, I Pascucci, J Bouwman, A Natta, T Henning, CP Dullemond
Science 310 (5749), 834-836, 2005
First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE-III. New spectrophotometry and astrometry of the HR 8799 exoplanetary system
A Zurlo, A Vigan, R Galicher, AL Maire, D Mesa, R Gratton, G Chauvin, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 587, A57, 2016
Orbital characterization of the β Pictoris b giant planet
G Chauvin, AM Lagrange, H Beust, M Bonnefoy, A Boccaletti, D Apai, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 542, A41, 2012
First light LBT AO images of HR 8799 bcde at 1.6 and 3.3 μm: New discrepancies between young planets and old brown dwarfs
AJ Skemer, PM Hinz, S Esposito, A Burrows, J Leisenring, M Skrutskie, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 753 (1), 14, 2012
The different evolution of gas and dust in disks around Sun-like and cool stars
I Pascucci, D Apai, K Luhman, T Henning, J Bouwman, MR Meyer, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 696 (1), 143, 2009
Discovery of Hα emission from the close companion inside the gap of transitional disk HD 142527
LM Close, KB Follette, JR Males, A Puglisi, M Xompero, D Apai, J Najita, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 781 (2), L30, 2014
A novel L-band imaging search for giant planets in the Tucana and β Pictoris moving groups
M Kasper, D Apai, M Janson, W Brandner
Astronomy & Astrophysics 472 (1), 321-327, 2007
Access i. an optical transmission spectrum of gj 1214b reveals a heterogeneous stellar photosphere
B Rackham, N Espinoza, D Apai, M López-Morales, A Jordán, DJ Osip, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 834 (2), 151, 2017
Brown dwarf photospheres are patchy: a hubble space telescope near-infrared spectroscopic survey finds frequent low-level variability
E Buenzli, D Apai, J Radigan, IN Reid, D Flateau
The Astrophysical Journal 782 (2), 77, 2014
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