Javier García Hernández
Javier García Hernández
SEFH - État du Valais
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Mapping hazards from glacier lake outburst floods based on modelling of process cascades at Lake 513, Carhuaz, Peru
D Schneider, C Huggel, A Cochachin, S Guillén, J García Hernández
Advances in Geosciences 35, 145-155, 2014
Spatial interpolation of precipitation from multiple rain gauge networks and weather radar data for operational applications in Alpine catchments
A Foehn, J García Hernández, B Schaefli, G De Cesare
Journal of Hydrology, 2018
A robust debris-flow and GLOF risk management strategy for a data-scarce catchment in Santa Teresa, Peru
H Frey, C Huggel, Y Bühler, D Buis, MD Burga, W Choquevilca, ...
Landslides 13, 1493-1507, 2016
Glacier Lake 513, Peru: Lessons for early warning service development
C Huggel, A Cochachin, F Drenkhan, J Fluixá-Sanmartín, H Frey, ...
WMO Bulletin 69 (1), 45-52, 2020
Searching for the optimal drought index and timescale combination to detect drought: a case study from the lower Jinsha River basin, China
J Fluixá-Sanmartín, D Pan, L Fischer, B Orlowsky, J García-Hernández, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (1), 889-910, 2018
RS MINERVE–technical manual v2. 17
J García Hernández, J Paredes Arquiola, A Foehn, B Roquier, ...
RS Minerve Group, Switzerland, 2016
Routing System II: Flow modelling in hydraulic systems
J García Hernández, F Jordan, J Dubois, JL Boillat, A Schleiss
Communication 32, 1661-1179, 2007
Technologies for Development: From innovation to social Impact
S Hostettler, S Najih Besson, JC Bolay
Springer Nature, 2018
The projected precipitation reduction over the Central Andes may severely affect Peruvian glaciers and hydropower production
M Kronenberg, S Schauwecker, C Huggel, N Salzmann, F Drenkhan, ...
Energy Procedia 97, 270-277, 2016
RS MINERVE–User’s manual v2. 12
A Foehn, J García Hernández, B Roquier, J Fluixá-Sanmartín, ...
RS MINERVE Group, Switzerland, 2019
Designing inter-and transdisciplinary research on mountains: What place for the unexpected?
I Otero, F Darbellay, E Reynard, G Hetényi, ME Perga, J Rüegg, ...
Mountain Research and Development 40 (4), D10, 2020
MINERVE 2010: Prévision hydrométéorologique et gestion des crues sur le Rhône alpin
J García Hernández, P Horton, C Tobin, JL Boillat
Wasser Energie Luft 101 (4), 297-302, 2009
Minerve-Modélisation des intempéries de nature extrême du Rhône valaisan et de leurs effets
F Jordan, J García Hernández, J Dubois, JL Boillat, A Schleiss
EPFL-LCH, 2008
Managing glacier related risks disaster in the Chucchún catchment, Cordillera Blanca, Peru
R Muñoz, C Gonzales, K Price, A Rosario, C Huggel, H Frey, ...
Climate Change Adaptation Strategies–An Upstream-downstream Perspective, 59-78, 2016
Flood management in a complex river basin with a real-time decision support system based on hydrological forecasts
J García Hernández
Laboratoire de constructions hydrauliques 48 (EPFL-BOOK-172964), 2011
Modelización Hidrológica con un enfoque semidistribuido en la cuenca del rio Chillón, Perú
MA Astorayme, J Garcia Hernandez, W Suares, O Felipe, C Huggel, ...
Revista Peruana Geo-Atmosferica 4, 109-124, 2015
An early warning system for lake outburst floods of the Laguna 513, Cordillera Blanca, Peru
H Frey, J García-Hernández, C Huggel, D Schneider, M Rohrer, ...
University of Zurich, 2014
La auditoría ambiental como instrumento educativo: Una experiencia en la formación del profesorado
J García
Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y sociales, 2002
J García, H Hernández, C Studio, V Pinto, A Rivera, P Dahech, J Pérez
Swiss Rainfall Mass Curves and their Influence on Extreme Flood Simulation
F Zeimetz, B Schaefli, G Artigue, J García Hernández, AJ Schleiss
Water Resources Management 32 (8), 2625-2638, 2018
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