Marco D'Ambros
Cited by
Cited by
An extensive comparison of bug prediction approaches
M D'Ambros, M Lanza, R Robbes
2010 7th IEEE working conference on mining software repositories (MSR 2010 …, 2010
Evaluating defect prediction approaches: a benchmark and an extensive comparison
M D’Ambros, M Lanza, R Robbes
Empirical Software Engineering 17, 531-577, 2012
Method-level bug prediction
E Giger, M D'Ambros, M Pinzger, HC Gall
Proceedings of the ACM-IEEE international symposium on Empirical software …, 2012
On the impact of design flaws on software defects
M D'Ambros, A Bacchelli, M Lanza
2010 10th International Conference on Quality Software, 23-31, 2010
On the relationship between change coupling and software defects
M D'Ambros, M Lanza, R Robbes
2009 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 135-144, 2009
Analysing software repositories to understand software evolution
T Mens, S Demeyer, M D’Ambros, H Gall, M Lanza, M Pinzger
Software evolution, 37-67, 2008
Content classification of development emails
A Bacchelli, T Dal Sasso, M D'Ambros, M Lanza
2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 375-385, 2012
Visualizing co-change information with the evolution radar
M D'Ambros, M Lanza, M Lungu
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 35 (5), 720-735, 2009
Are popular classes more defect prone?
A Bacchelli, M D’Ambros, M Lanza
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: 13th International …, 2010
" A Bug's Life" Visualizing a Bug Database
M D'Ambros, M Lanza, M Pinzger
2007 4th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for …, 2007
Reverse engineering with logical coupling
M D'Ambros, M Lanza
2006 13th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 189-198, 2006
Software bugs and evolution: A visual approach to uncover their relationship
M D'Ambros, M Lanza
Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'06), 10 pp.-238, 2006
The evolution radar: Visualizing integrated logical coupling information
M D'Ambros, M Lanza, M Lungu
Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Mining software …, 2006
Benchmarking lightweight techniques to link e-mails and source code
A Bacchelli, M D'Ambros, M Lanza, R Robbes
2009 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 205-214, 2009
Software evolution comprehension: Replay to the rescue
L Hattori, M D'Ambros, M Lanza, M Lungu
2011 IEEE 19th International Conference on Program Comprehension, 161-170, 2011
Fractal figures: Visualizing development effort for cvs entities
M D'Ambros, M Lanza, H Gall
3rd IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding …, 2005
Telling stories about GNOME with Complicity
S Neu, M Lanza, L Hattori, M D'Ambros
2011 6th International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding …, 2011
Extracting source code from e-mails
A Bacchelli, M D'Ambros, M Lanza
2010 IEEE 18th International Conference on Program Comprehension, 24-33, 2010
Distributed and collaborative software evolution analysis with churrasco
M D’Ambros, M Lanza
Science of Computer Programming 75 (4), 276-287, 2010
Bugcrawler: Visualizing evolving software systems
M D'Ambros, M Lanza
11th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'07 …, 2007
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Articles 1–20