James Arthur Slavin
James Arthur Slavin
Professor of Space Physics
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The WIND magnetic field investigation
RP Lepping, MH Acũna, LF Burlaga, WM Farrell, JA Slavin, KH Schatten, ...
Space Science Reviews 71, 207-229, 1995
The magnetospheric multiscale magnetometers
CT Russell, BJ Anderson, W Baumjohann, KR Bromund, D Dearborn, ...
Space Science Reviews 199, 189-256, 2016
The Cluster magnetic field investigation
A Balogh, MW Dunlop, SWH Cowley, DJ Southwood, JG Thomlinson, ...
Space Science Reviews 79, 65-91, 1997
An ISEE 3 study of average and substorm conditions in the distant magnetotail
JA Slavin, EJ Smith, DG Sibeck, DN Baker, RD Zwickl, SI Akasofu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 90 (A11), 10875-10895, 1985
The MESSENGER mission to Mercury: Scientific objectives and implementation
SC Solomon, RL McNutt Jr, RE Gold, MH Acuña, DN Baker, WV Boynton, ...
Planetary and Space Science 49 (14-15), 1445-1465, 2001
Solar wind flow about the terrestrial planets 1. Modeling bow shock position and shape
JA Slavin, RE Holzer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 86 (A13), 11401-11418, 1981
Geotail observations of magnetic flux ropes in the plasma sheet
JA Slavin, RP Lepping, J Gjerloev, DH Fairfield, M Hesse, CJ Owen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 108 (A1), SMP 10-1-SMP 10-18, 2003
The global magnetic field of Mercury from MESSENGER orbital observations
BJ Anderson, CL Johnson, H Korth, ME Purucker, RM Winslow, JA Slavin, ...
Science 333 (6051), 1859-1862, 2011
Structure of the magnetotail at 220 RE and its response to geomagnetic activity
EW Hones Jr, DN Baker, SJ Bame, WC Feldman, JT Gosling, ...
Geophysical research letters 11 (1), 5-7, 1984
Global simulation of the Geospace Environment Modeling substorm challenge event
J Raeder, RL McPherron, LA Frank, S Kokubun, G Lu, T Mukai, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 106 (A1), 381-395, 2001
Three‐dimensional position and shape of the bow shock and their variation with Alfvénic, sonic and magnetosonic Mach numbers and interplanetary magnetic field orientation
M Peredo, JA Slavin, E Mazur, SA Curtis
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 100 (A5), 7907-7916, 1995
Magnetic fields near Mars: First results
W Riedler, D Möhlmann, VN Oraevsky, K Schwingenschuh, ...
Nature 341 (6243), 604-607, 1989
The Magnetometer instrument on MESSENGER
BJ Anderson, MH Acuña, DA Lohr, J Scheifele, A Raval, H Korth, ...
The MESSENGER mission to Mercury, 417-450, 2007
MESSENGER observations of magnetic reconnection in Mercury’s magnetosphere
JA Slavin, MH Acuña, BJ Anderson, DN Baker, M Benna, SA Boardsen, ...
science 324 (5927), 606-610, 2009
Magnetic flux transfer associated with expansions and contractions of the dayside magnetosphere
RE Holzer, JA Slavin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 83 (A8), 3831-3839, 1978
Mercury's magnetopause and bow shock from MESSENGER Magnetometer observations
RM Winslow, BJ Anderson, CL Johnson, JA Slavin, H Korth, ME Purucker, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118 (5), 2213-2227, 2013
International cometary explorer encounter with Giacobini-Zinner: Magnetic field observations
EJ Smith, BT Tsurutani, JA Slavin, DE Jones, GL Siscoe, DA Mendis
Science 232 (4748), 382-385, 1986
Substorm associated traveling compression regions in the distant tail: ISEE‐3 geotail observations
JA Slavin, EJ Smith, BT Tsurutani, DG Sibeck, HJ Singer, DN Baker, ...
Geophysical research letters 11 (7), 657-660, 1984
Observations of the dayside ionopause and ionosphere of Venus
RC Elphic, CT Russell, JA Slavin, LH Brace
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 85 (A13), 7679-7696, 1980
Small‐scale magnetic flux ropes in the solar wind
MB Moldwin, S Ford, R Lepping, J Slavin, A Szabo
Geophysical research letters 27 (1), 57-60, 2000
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Articles 1–20