Brandon Enright
Brandon Enright
UC San Diego, UCSD
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Cited by
Spamalytics: An empirical analysis of spam marketing conversion
C Kanich, C Kreibich, K Levchenko, B Enright, GM Voelker, V Paxson, ...
Proceedings of the 15th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2008
Click trajectories: End-to-end analysis of the spam value chain
K Levchenko, A Pitsillidis, N Chachra, B Enright, M Félegyházi, C Grier, ...
2011 ieee symposium on security and privacy, 431-446, 2011
When private keys are public: Results from the 2008 Debian OpenSSL vulnerability
S Yilek, E Rescorla, H Shacham, B Enright, S Savage
Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGCOMM Conference on Internet Measurement, 15-27, 2009
Spamcraft: An Inside Look At Spam Campaign Orchestration.
C Kreibich, C Kanich, K Levchenko, B Enright, GM Voelker, V Paxson, ...
LEET, 2009
On the spam campaign trail.
C Kreibich, C Kanich, K Levchenko, B Enright, GM Voelker, V Paxson, ...
LEET 8 (2008), 1-9, 2008
The Heisenbot Uncertainty Problem: Challenges in Separating Bots from Chaff.
C Kanich, K Levchenko, B Enright, GM Voelker, S Savage
LEET 8, 1-9, 2008
Storm: When researchers collide
B Enright, GM Voelker, S Savage, C Kanich, K Levchenko
; login:: the magazine of USENIX & SAGE 33 (4), 6-13, 2008
Detecting Weak Keys in Manufacturing Certificates: A Case Study
A Chi, B Enright, D McGrew
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference …, 2023
The Heisenbot Uncertainty Problem: Active Challenges in Separating Bots from Chaff
C Kanich, B Enright, K Levchenko, C Kreibich, V Paxon, G Voelker, ...
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Articles 1–9