Markus Meringer
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Cited by
y-Randomization and its variants in QSPR/QSAR
C Rücker, G Rücker, M Meringer
Journal of chemical information and modeling 47 (6), 2345-2357, 2007
High-precision frequency measurements: indispensable tools at the core of the molecular-level analysis of complex systems
N Hertkorn, C Ruecker, M Meringer, R Gugisch, M Frommberger, ...
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 389 (5), 1311-1327, 2007
Fast generation of regular graphs and construction of cages
M Meringer
Journal of Graph Theory 30 (2), 137-146, 1999
Similarity of molecular descriptors: the equivalence of Zagreb indices and walk counts
J Braun, A Kerber, M Meringer, C Rucker
MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem 54, 163-176, 2005
Structure Enumeration and Sampling
M Meringer
Handbook of Chemoinformatics Algorithms, 233-267, 2010
MOLGEN 5.0, a molecular structure generator
R Gugisch, A Kerber, A Kohnert, R Laue, M Meringer, C Rücker, ...
Advances in Mathematical Chemistry; Basak, SC; Restrepo, G.; Villaveces, JL …, 2014
Extraordinarily adaptive properties of the genetically encoded amino acids.
M Ilardo, M Meringer, SJ Freeland, B Rasulev, HJ Cleaves
Scientific Reports 5, 9414, 2015
Initial assessment of the performance of the first wind lidar in space on Aeolus
O Reitebuch, C Lemmerz, O Lux, U Marksteiner, S Rahm, F Weiler, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 237, 01010, 2020
Consensus structure elucidation combining GC/EI-MS, structure generation, and calculated properties
EL Schymanski, CMJ Gallampois, M Krauss, M Meringer, S Neumann, ...
Analytical Chemistry 84 (7), 3287-3295, 2012
The use of MS classifiers and structure generation to assist in the identification of unknowns in effect-directed analysis
EL Schymanski, C Meinert, M Meringer, W Brack
Analytica chimica acta 615 (2), 136-147, 2008
Matching structures to mass spectra using fragmentation patterns: are the results as good as they look?
EL Schymanski, M Meringer, W Brack
Analytical chemistry 81 (9), 3608-3617, 2009
T Grüner, A Kerber, R Laue, M Meringer
MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem 37, 205-208, 1998
ESA’s space-based Doppler wind lidar mission Aeolus–First wind and aerosol product assessment results
AG Straume, M Rennie, L Isaksen, J de Kloe, GJ Marseille, A Stoffelen, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 237, 01007, 2020
MS/MS data improves automated determination of molecular formulas by mass spectrometry
M Meringer, S Reinker, J Zhang, A Muller
MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem 65 (2), 259-290, 2011
Erzeugung regulärer Graphen
M Meringer
Master's thesis, Universit at Bayreuth, 1996
Beyond terrestrial biology: Charting the chemical universe of α-amino acid structures
M Meringer, HJ Cleaves, SJ Freeland
Journal of chemical information and modeling 53 (11), 2851-2862, 2013
Algorithms for group actions applied to graph generation
T Grüner, R Laue, M Meringer
Groups and Computation II 68, 113, 1997
Systems chemical analytics: introduction to the challenges of chemical complexity analysis
P Schmitt-Kopplin, D Hemmler, F Moritz, RD Gougeon, M Lucio, ...
Faraday discussions 218, 9-28, 2019
Mathematics for Combinatorial Chemistry
T Grüner, A Kerber, R Laue, M Meringer
Band II der Reihe Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering, 74-81, 1999
MOLGEN-MS: Evaluation of low resolution electron impact mass spectra with MS classification and exhaustive structure generation
A Kerber, R Laue, M Meringer, K Varmuza
Adv Mass Spectrom 15 (939-940), 22, 2001
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Articles 1–20