Optimal bidding strategy of a plug-in electric vehicle aggregator in day-ahead electricity markets under uncertainty MG Vayá, G Andersson IEEE transactions on power systems 30 (5), 2375-2385, 2014 | 335 | 2014 |
The role of electric vehicles in smart grids MD Galus, MG Vayá, T Krause, G Andersson Advances in Energy Systems: The Large‐scale Renewable Energy Integration …, 2019 | 217 | 2019 |
Centralized and decentralized approaches to smart charging of plug-in vehicles MG Vaya, G Andersson 2012 IEEE power and energy society general meeting, 1-8, 2012 | 153 | 2012 |
Self scheduling of plug-in electric vehicle aggregator to provide balancing services for wind power MG Vaya, G Andersson IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 7 (2), 886-899, 2015 | 138 | 2015 |
Uncertainty in the flexibility of aggregations of demand response resources JL Mathieu, MG Vayá, G Andersson IECON 2013-39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2013 | 112 | 2013 |
A framework for and assessment of demand response and energy storage in power systems F Oldewurtel, T Borsche, M Bucher, P Fortenbacher, MGVT Haring, ... 2013 IREP Symposium Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control-IX Optimization …, 2013 | 80 | 2013 |
Decentralized control of plug-in electric vehicles under driving uncertainty MG Vayá, G Andersson, S Boyd IEEE PES innovative smart grid technologies, Europe, 1-6, 2014 | 56 | 2014 |
Optimal bidding strategy of a plug-in electric vehicle aggregator in day-ahead electricity markets MG Vayá, G Andersson 2013 10th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-6, 2013 | 49 | 2013 |
Active distribution grids offering ancillary services in islanded and grid-connected mode S Karagiannopoulos, J Gallmann, MG Vayá, P Aristidou, G Hug IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (1), 623-633, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
Integrating renewable energy forecast uncertainty in smart-charging approaches for plug-in electric vehicles MG Vayá, G Andersson 2013 IEEE Grenoble Conference, 1-6, 2013 | 39 | 2013 |
Combined smart-charging and frequency regulation for fleets of plug-in electric vehicles MG Vayá, G Andersson 2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2013 | 38 | 2013 |
Optimal bidding of plug-in electric vehicles in a market-based control setup MG Vayá, LB Roselló, G Andersson 2014 Power Systems Computation Conference, 1-8, 2014 | 33 | 2014 |
On the interdependence of intelligent charging approaches for plug-in electric vehicles in transmission and distribution networks MG Vayá, MD Galus, RA Waraich, G Andersson 2012 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe), 1-8, 2012 | 31 | 2012 |
Primary control reserves provision with battery energy storage systems in the largest European ancillary services cooperation M Koller, M González Vayá, A Chacko, T Borsche, A Ulbig Set of papers, CIGRE session 46: 21-26 August 2016, Paris, 361-NCA-C2-PS1, 2016 | 26 | 2016 |
EV aggregation models for different charging scenarios M González Vayá, L Baringo, T Krause, G Andersson, PMR Almeida, ... 23rd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED), 2015 | 22 | 2015 |
On the price of being selfish in large populations of plug-in electric vehicles MG Vayá, S Grammatico, G Andersson, J Lygeros 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6542-6547, 2015 | 21 | 2015 |
Smart charging of plug-in vehicles under driving behaviour uncertainty MG Vayá, G Andersson 12th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power …, 2012 | 19 | 2012 |
Locational marginal pricing based impact assessment of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles on transmission networks M González Vayá, T Krause, RA Waraich, G Andersson Bologna: The Electric Power System of the Future− Integrating Supergrids and …, 2011 | 19 | 2011 |
Optimal bidding strategy of a plug-in electric vehicle aggregator in day-ahead electricity markets M González Vayá, G Andersson 10th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM 2013), 2013 | 18 | 2013 |
Optimal bidding of plug-in electric vehicle aggregator in day-ahead and regulation markets M González Vayá, G Andersson International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles 7 (3), 209-203, 2015 | 15 | 2015 |