Sebastian  Kunz
Sebastian Kunz
Habilitationsstipendiat des Fonds der Chemischen Industrie
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Adsorptive Separation of Isobutene and Isobutane on Cu3(BTC)2
M Hartmann, S Kunz, D Himsl, O Tangermann, S Ernst, A Wagener
Langmuir 24 (16), 8634-8642, 2008
The effect of particle proximity on the oxygen reduction rate of size-selected platinum clusters
M Nesselberger, M Roefzaad, R Fayçal Hamou, P Ulrich Biedermann, ...
Nature materials 12 (10), 919-924, 2013
Control and manipulation of gold nanocatalysis: effects of metal oxide support thickness and composition
C Harding, V Habibpour, S Kunz, ANS Farnbacher, U Heiz, B Yoon, ...
Journal of the american chemical society 131 (2), 538-548, 2009
Functionalization of Platinum Nanoparticles with l-Proline: Simultaneous Enhancements of Catalytic Activity and Selectivity
I Schrader, J Warneke, J Backenköhler, S Kunz
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (2), 905-912, 2015
Investigating particle size effects in catalysis by applying a size-controlled and surfactant-free synthesis of colloidal nanoparticles in alkaline ethylene glycol: case study …
J Quinson, M Inaba, S Neumann, AA Swane, J Bucher, SB Simonsen, ...
ACS catalysis 8 (7), 6627-6635, 2018
Direct synthesis of H2O2 on Pd and AuxPd1 clusters: Understanding the effects of alloying Pd with Au
NM Wilson, P Priyadarshini, S Kunz, DW Flaherty
Journal of catalysis 357, 163-175, 2018
CW and Pulsed ESR Spectroscopy of Cupric Ions in the Metal−Organic Framework Compound Cu3(BTC)2
A Pöppl, S Kunz, D Himsl, M Hartmann
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (7), 2678-2684, 2008
Size-selected clusters as heterogeneous model catalysts under applied reaction conditions
S Kunz, K Hartl, M Nesselberger, FF Schweinberger, GH Kwon, M Hanzlik, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 (35), 10288-10291, 2010
Temperature dependent CO oxidation mechanisms on size-selected clusters
S Kunz, FF Schweinberger, V Habibpour, M Röttgen, C Harding, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (3), 1651-1654, 2010
Surface chemistry of “unprotected” nanoparticles: a spectroscopic investigation on colloidal particles
I Schrader, J Warneke, S Neumann, S Grotheer, AA Swane, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (31), 17655-17661, 2015
Colloids for catalysts: a concept for the preparation of superior catalysts of industrial relevance
J Quinson, S Neumann, T Wannmacher, L Kacenauskaite, M Inaba, ...
Angewandte Chemie 130 (38), 12518-12521, 2018
Electrochemically induced nanocluster migration
K Hartl, M Nesselberger, KJJ Mayrhofer, S Kunz, FF Schweinberger, ...
Electrochimica Acta 56 (2), 810-816, 2010
Asymmetric heterogeneous catalysis: transfer of molecular principles to nanoparticles by ligand functionalization
I Schrader, S Neumann, A Šulce, F Schmidt, V Azov, S Kunz
ACS Catalysis 7 (6), 3979-3987, 2017
Supported, ligand-functionalized nanoparticles: an attempt to rationalize the application and potential of ligands in heterogeneous catalysis
S Kunz
Topics in Catalysis 59, 1671-1685, 2016
A fast and sensitive catalytic gas sensors for hydrogen detection based on stabilized nanoparticles as catalytic layer
E Brauns, E Morsbach, S Kunz, M Bäumer, W Lang
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 193, 895-903, 2014
Influence of organic amino and thiol ligands on the geometric and electronic surface properties of Colloidally prepared platinum nanoparticles
L Altmann, S Kunz, M Bäumer
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (17), 8925-8932, 2014
Mechanistic evidence for sequential displacement–reduction routes in the synthesis of Pd–au clusters with uniform size and clean surfaces
S Kunz, E Iglesia
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (14), 7468-7479, 2014
Rational design, characterization and catalytic application of metal clusters functionalized with hydrophilic, chiral ligands: a proof of principle study
S Kunz, P Schreiber, M Ludwig, MM Maturi, O Ackermann, M Tschurl, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (44), 19253-19261, 2013
Oxidation State and Symmetry of Magnesia-Supported Pd13Ox Nanocatalysts Influence Activation Barriers of CO Oxidation
M Moseler, M Walter, B Yoon, U Landman, V Habibpour, C Harding, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (18), 7690-7699, 2012
Nanoparticles in a box: a concept to isolate, store and re-use colloidal surfactant-free precious metal nanoparticles
S Neumann, S Grotheer, J Tielke, I Schrader, J Quinson, A Zana, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (13), 6140-6145, 2017
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