Alessandro Adamou
Alessandro Adamou
Digital Humanities Scientist, Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max Planck Institute for Art History
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Cited by
Digitizing intangible cultural heritage embodied: State of the art
Y Hou, S Kenderdine, D Picca, M Egloff, A Adamou
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 15 (3), 1-20, 2022
Assessing the educational linked data landscape
M d'Aquin, A Adamou, S Dietze
Proceedings of the 5th annual ACM Web science conference, 43-46, 2013
The open university linked data–data. open. ac. uk
E Daga, M d’Aquin, A Adamou, S Brown
Semantic Web 7 (2), 183-191, 2016
Extracting core knowledge from linked data
V Presutti12, L Aroyo, A Adamou12, B Schopman, A Gangemi, ...
Crowdsourcing Linked Data on listening experiences through reuse and enhancement of library data
A Adamou, S Brown, H Barlow, C Allocca, M d’Aquin
International Journal on Digital Libraries 20 (1), 61-79, 2019
Addressing exploitability of smart city data
E Daga, M d'Aquin, A Adamou, E Motta
2016 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 1-6, 2016
Dealing with diversity in a smart-city datahub
M d'Aquin, A Adamou, E Daga, S Liu, K Thomas, E Motta
CEUR-WS. org 1280, 68-82, 2014
LED: Curated and crowdsourced linked data on music listening experiences
A Adamou, M d'Aquin, H Barlow, S Brown
CEUR-WS. org 1272, 93-96, 2014
AFEL: Towards Measuring Online Activities Contributions to Self-directed Learning.
M d'Aquin, A Adamou, S Dietze, B Fetahu, U Gadiraju, I Hasani-Mavriqi, ...
Extraction of character profiles from the gutenberg archive
M Egloff, D Picca, A Adamou
Research Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research, 367-372, 2019
Afel-analytics for everyday learning
M d'Aquin, D Kowald, A Fessl, E Lex, S Thalmann
Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, 439-440, 2018
Understanding the phenomenology of reading through modelling
A Antonini, MC Suárez-Figueroa, A Adamou, F Benatti, F Vignale, ...
Semantic Web 12 (2), 191-217, 2021
The NeOn ontology models
A Adamou, R Palma, P Haase, E Montiel-Ponsoda, GA de Cea, ...
Ontology Engineering in a Networked World, 65-90, 2012
The Facets of Intangible Heritage in Southern Chinese Martial Arts: Applying a Knowledge-driven Cultural Contact Detection Approach
A Adamou, D Picca, Y Hou, P Loreto Granados-García
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 16 (3), 1-27, 2023
SPARQL query recommendations by example
C Allocca, A Adamou, M d’Aquin, E Motta
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2016 Satellite Events, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May …, 2016
Towards analytics and collaborative exploration of social and linked media for technology-enchanced learning scenarios
S Zerr, M d'Aquin, I Marenzi, D Taibi, A Adamou, S Dietze
CEUR-WS. org, 2014
The foundations of virtual ontology networks
A Adamou, P Ciancarini, A Gangemi, V Presutti
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 49-56, 2013
Ontology-Mediated Cultural Contact Detection Through Motion and Style in Southern Chinese Martial Arts
A Adamou, Y Hou, D Picca, M Egloff, S Kenderdine
Proceedings of the International Joint Workshop on Semantic Web and Ontology …, 2021
Relaxing global-as-view in mediated data integration from linked data
A Adamou, M d'Aquin
Proceedings of The International Workshop on Semantic Big Data, 1-6, 2020
Linked data principles for data lakes
A Adamou, M d'Aquin
Data Lakes 2, 145-169, 2020
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Articles 1–20