Garri Raagmaa
Cited by
Cited by
Regional identity in regional development and Planning1
G Raagmaa
European planning studies 10 (1), 55-76, 2002
Europeanization and de-Europeanization of Estonian regional policy
G Raagmaa, T Kalvet, R Kasesalu
European planning studies 22 (4), 775-795, 2014
Regional higher education institutions in regional leadership and development
G Raagmaa, A Keerberg
Regional Studies 51 (2), 260-272, 2017
Shifts in regional development of Estonia during the transition
G Raagmaa
European Planning Studies 4 (6), 683-703, 1996
Centre-Periphery model explaining the regional development of the informational and transitional society
G Raagmaa
Louvain-la-Neuve: European Regional Science Association (ERSA), 2003
Public leaders in regional economic development
G Raagmaa
European Planning Studies 9 (8), 1039-1054, 2001
Re-thinking regional and local policies in times of polarisation: an introduction
F Görmar, T Lang, E Nagy, G Raagmaa
Regional and local development in times of polarisation: Re-thinking spatial …, 2019
Regional identity and public leaders in regional economic development: towards the new approach in regional policy; cultural geography theories in explaining economic growth
G Raagmaa
Tartu University Press, 2000
Restitution of agricultural land in Estonia: Consequences for landscape development and production
A Holt-Jensen, G Raagmaa
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography 64 (3), 129-141, 2010
The future of collective farms' built social infrastructure: Choosing between central place and network theories
G Raagmaa, K Kroon
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 87 (3), 205-224, 2005
The spirit of place of West Estonian resorts
T Kask, G Raagmaa
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography 64 (3), 162-171, 2010
An emerging biomedical business in a low capitalised country
G Raagmaa, P Tamm
European Planning Studies 12 (7), 943-960, 2004
Spatial planning in the Baltic States: Impacts of European policies
G Raagmaa, D Stead
European Planning Studies 22 (4), 671-679, 2014
New enterprises and regional development in Estonia
G Raagmaa
Local and Regional Development During the Transition in Eastern Europe …, 1995
Planning theories and development practices. Past-dependencies contra new ideology: Impact of planning for sustainable housing development
G Raagmaa
Urban Sustainability and Governance: New Challenges in Nordic-Baltic Housing …, 2009
Understanding and going beyond the regional policy paradox: conceptual contributions to studying socio-spatial polarisation in Europe
G Raagmaa, E Nagy, F Görmar, T Lang
Regional and Local Development in Times of Polarisation: Re-thinking Spatial …, 2019
Ettevõtluse võimalused maakondades
E Terk, G Raagmaa
Äripäeva Kirjastus, 2004
Territorial governance and core-periphery relations: The implications of European policy concepts for Central and Eastern Europe
G Raagmaa
Understanding Geographies of Polarization and Peripheralization …, 2015
Impacts of European territorial policies in the Baltic States
G Raagmaa, D Stead
Routledge, 2015
Empowering people and enterprises with strong cultural and territorial identity: A case study of Setomaa, Estonia
G Raagmaa, J Masso, M Reidolf, M Servinski
Regional Advantage and Innovation: Achieving Australia's National Outcomes …, 2013
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Articles 1–20