Lilliard Richardson
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Environmental Policy Attitudes: Issues, Geographical Scale, and Political Trust*
DM Konisky, J Milyo, LE Richardson
Social science quarterly 89 (5), 1066-1085, 2008
Gender differences in constituency service among state legislators
LE Richardson Jr, KF Patricia
Political Research Quarterly 48 (1), 166-179, 1995
Who is early voting? An individual level examination
GW Neeley, LE Richardson Jr
The Social Science Journal 38 (3), 381-392, 2001
Motorcyclist fatality rates and mandatory helmet-use laws
DJ Houston, LE Richardson
Accident Analysis & Prevention 40 (1), 200-208, 2008
Explaining variation in casework among state legislators
PK Freeman, LE Richardson Jr
Legislative Studies Quarterly, 41-56, 1996
Motorcycle safety and the repeal of universal helmet laws
DJ Houston, LE Richardson Jr
American Journal of Public Health 97 (11), 2063-2069, 2007
The state of surveying legislators: Dilemmas and suggestions
C Maestas, GW Neeley, LE Richardson
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 3 (1), 90-108, 2003
Getting Americans to buckle up: the efficacy of state seat belt laws
DJ Houston, LE Richardson Jr
Accident Analysis & Prevention 37 (6), 1114-1120, 2005
Traffic safety and the switch to a primary seat belt law: the California experience
DJ Houston, LE Richardson Jr
Accident Analysis & Prevention 34 (6), 743-751, 2002
Drinking-and-driving in America: A test of behavioral assumptions underlying public policy
DJ Houston, LE Richardson Jr
Political research quarterly 57 (1), 53-64, 2004
The behavioral impact of drinking and driving laws
AM Bertelli, LE Richardson Jr
Policy Studies Journal 36 (4), 545-569, 2008
Shirking, representation, and congressional behavior: Voting on the 1983 amendments to the Social Security Act
LE Richardson, MC Munger
Public Choice 67, 11-33, 1990
Public Approval ofU. S. State Legislatures
LE RICHARDSON, JR, DM Konisky, J Milyo
Legislative Studies Quarterly 37 (1), 99-116, 2012
The politics of air bag safety: A competition among problem definitions
DJ Houston, LE Richardson Jr
Policy Studies Journal 28 (3), 485-501, 2000
Legislating traffic safety: a pooled time series analysis
DJ Houston, LE Richardson Jr, GW Neeley
Social Science Quarterly, 328-345, 1995
The Effect of State Regulations on Truck-Crash Fatalities
GW Neeley, LE Richardson Jr
Accident Analysis and Prevention 99 (3), 2009
Risk Compensation or Risk Reduction? Seatbelts, State Laws, and Traffic Fatalities*
DJ Houston, LE Richardson
Social Science Quarterly 88 (4), 913-936, 2007
Institutions and representational roles in American state legislatures
CA Cooper, LE Richardson
State Politics and Policy Quarterly 6 (2), 174, 2006
A six-year follow-up study of smoking habits and microvascular complications in young adults with type 1 diabetes
RN Sinha, AW Patrick, L Richardson, M Wallymahmed, IA MacFarlane
Postgraduate medical journal 73 (859), 293-294, 1997
Safety belt use and the switch to primary enforcement, 1991–2003
DJ Houston, LE Richardson Jr
American Journal of Public Health 96 (11), 1949-1954, 2006
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