Helmut Harbrecht
Helmut Harbrecht
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On the low-rank approximation by the pivoted Cholesky decomposition
H Harbrecht, M Peters, R Schneider
Applied numerical mathematics 62 (4), 428-440, 2012
Compression techniques for boundary integral equations---asymptotically optimal complexity estimates
W Dahmen, H Harbrecht, R Schneider
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 43 (6), 2251-2271, 2006
Sparse second moment analysis for elliptic problems in stochastic domains
H Harbrecht, R Schneider, C Schwab
Numerische Mathematik 109 (3), 385-414, 2008
An optimal adaptive wavelet method without coarsening of the iterands
T Gantumur, H Harbrecht, R Stevenson
Mathematics of computation 76 (258), 615-629, 2007
Boosting quantum machine learning models with a multilevel combination technique: Pople diagrams revisited
P Zaspel, B Huang, H Harbrecht, OA von Lilienfeld
Journal of chemical theory and computation 15 (3), 1546-1559, 2018
Wavelet Galerkin schemes for boundary integral equations---implementation and quadrature
H Harbrecht, R Schneider
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 27 (4), 1347-1370, 2006
Analysis of the domain mapping method for elliptic diffusion problems on random domains
H Harbrecht, M Peters, M Siebenmorgen
Numerische Mathematik 134 (4), 823-856, 2016
On convergence in elliptic shape optimization
K Eppler, H Harbrecht, R Schneider
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 46 (1), 61-83, 2007
A regularized Newton method in electrical impedance tomography using shape Hessian information
K Eppler, H Harbrecht
Control and Cybernetics 34 (1), 203-225, 2005
Biorthogonal wavelet bases for the boundary element method
H Harbrecht, R Schneider
Mathematische Nachrichten 269 (1), 167-188, 2004
Fast methods for three-dimensional inverse obstacle scattering problems
H Harbrecht, T Hohage
The Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 237-260, 2007
Efficient approximation of random fields for numerical applications
H Harbrecht, M Peters, M Siebenmorgen
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 22 (4), 596-617, 2015
Multilevel frames for sparse tensor product spaces
H Harbrecht, R Schneider, C Schwab
Numerische Mathematik 110 (2), 199-220, 2008
BPX-preconditioning for isogeometric analysis
A Buffa, H Harbrecht, A Kunoth, G Sangalli
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 265, 63-70, 2013
A fast isogeometric BEM for the three dimensional Laplace-and Helmholtz problems
J Dölz, H Harbrecht, S Kurz, S Schöps, F Wolf
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 330, 83-101, 2018
On the construction of sparse tensor product spaces
M Griebel, H Harbrecht
Mathematics of computation 82 (282), 975-994, 2013
Wavelet Galerkin schemes for the boundary element method in three dimensions
H Harbrecht
PhD Thesis, Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2001
Approximation of bi-variate functions: singular value decomposition versus sparse grids
M Griebel, H Harbrecht
IMA journal of numerical analysis 34 (1), 28-54, 2014
Efficient treatment of stationary free boundary problems
K Eppler, H Harbrecht
Applied numerical mathematics 56 (10-11), 1326-1339, 2006
Adaptive methods for boundary integral equations: complexity and convergence estimates
W Dahmen, H Harbrecht, R Schneider
Mathematics of computation 76 (259), 1243-1274, 2007
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