Yannick Fagot-Revurat
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Cited by
Electronic structures of , and CuO: A joint experimental and theoretical study
Y Wang, S Lany, J Ghanbaja, Y Fagot-Revurat, YP Chen, F Soldera, ...
Physical Review B 94 (24), 245418, 2016
Insight into organometallic intermediate and its evolution to covalent bonding in surface-confined Ullmann polymerization
M Di Giovannantonio, M El Garah, J Lipton-Duffin, V Meunier, L Cardenas, ...
ACS nano 7 (9), 8190-8198, 2013
Synthesis and electronic structure of a two dimensional π-conjugated polythiophene
L Cardenas, R Gutzler, J Lipton-Duffin, C Fu, JL Brusso, LE Dinca, ...
Chemical Science 4 (8), 3263-3268, 2013
Zero temperature phase transitions in spin-ladders: Phase diagram and dynamical studies of Cu2(C5H12N2)2Cl4>
G Chaboussant, MH Julien, Y Fagot-Revurat, M Hanson, LP Lévy, ...
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 6, 167-181, 1998
Interplay between structural, chemical, and spectroscopic properties of epitaxial ultrathin films: A way to tune the Rashba coupling
H Cercellier, C Didiot, Y Fagot-Revurat, B Kierren, L Moreau, D Malterre, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (19), 195413, 2006
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the Heisenberg Ladder : Quantum Phase Transition and Critical Dynamics
G Chaboussant, Y Fagot-Revurat, MH Julien, ME Hanson, C Berthier, ...
Physical review letters 80 (12), 2713, 1998
Quasi one-dimensional band dispersion and surface metallization in long-range ordered polymeric wires
G Vasseur, Y Fagot-Revurat, M Sicot, B Kierren, L Moreau, D Malterre, ...
Nature communications 7, 10235, 2016
Modification of Shockley states induced by surface reconstruction in epitaxial Ag films on Cu (111)
A Bendounan, H Cercellier, Y Fagot-Revurat, B Kierren, VY Yurov, ...
Physical Review B 67 (16), 165412, 2003
Identification of Nuclear Relaxation Processes in a Gapped Quantum Magnet: NMR in the Heisenberg Ladder
G Chaboussant, MH Julien, Y Fagot-Revurat, LP Lévy, C Berthier, ...
Physical review letters 79 (5), 925, 1997
Mechanistic picture and kinetic analysis of surface-confined Ullmann polymerization
M Di Giovannantonio, M Tomellini, J Lipton-Duffin, G Galeotti, M Ebrahimi, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (51), 16696-16702, 2016
High-resolution photoemission on : Spin-orbit splitting and electronic localization of the surface state
D Popović, F Reinert, S Hüfner, VG Grigoryan, M Springborg, H Cercellier, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (4), 045419, 2005
The role of halogens in on-surface Ullmann polymerization
G Galeotti, M Di Giovannantonio, J Lipton-Duffin, M Ebrahimi, S Tebi, ...
Faraday Discussions 204, 453-469, 2017
Charge-Order-Driven Spin-Peierls Transition in
Y Fagot-Revurat, M Mehring, RK Kremer
Physical Review Letters 84 (18), 4176, 2000
NMR Imaging of the Soliton Lattice Profile in the Spin-Peierls Compound
M Horvatić, Y Fagot-Revurat, C Berthier, G Dhalenne, A Revcolevschi
Physical review letters 83 (2), 420, 1999
Confinement in Bechgaard salts: Anomalous magnetoresistance and nuclear relaxation
K Behnia, L Balicas, W Kang, D Jérome, P Carretta, Y Fagot-Revurat, ...
Physical review letters 74 (26), 5272, 1995
Spin-orbit splitting of the Shockley state in the interface
H Cercellier, Y Fagot-Revurat, B Kierren, F Reinert, D Popović, D Malterre
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (19), 193412, 2004
NMR Evidence for a Magnetic Soliton Lattice in the High-Field Phase of CuGe
Y Fagot-Revurat, M Horvatić, C Berthier, P Ségransan, G Dhalenne, ...
Physical review letters 77 (9), 1861, 1996
ARPES and STS investigation of Shockley states in thin metallic films and periodic nanostructures
D Malterre, B Kierren, Y Fagot-Revurat, S Pons, A Tejeda, C Didiot, ...
New Journal of Physics 9 (10), 391, 2007
Nanopatterning the electronic properties of gold surfaces with self-organized superlattices of metallic nanostructures
C Didiot, S Pons, B Kierren, Y Fagot-Revurat, D Malterre
Nature nanotechnology 2 (10), 617-621, 2007
Interfacial engineering of ferromagnetism in wafer-scale van der Waals Fe4GeTe2 far above room temperature
H Wang, H Lu, Z Guo, A Li, P Wu, J Li, W Xie, Z Sun, P Li, H Damas, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 2483, 2023
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