Hocine Imine
Hocine Imine
Directeur de recherche, Université Gustave Eiffel
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Road profile input estimation in vehicle dynamics simulation
H Imine, Y Delanne, NK M'sirdi
Vehicle System Dynamics 44 (4), 285-303, 2006
Advances in Sliding Mode Control
B Bandyopadhyay, S Janardhanan, SK Spurgeon
Steering Control for Rollover Avoidance of Heavy Vehicle
H Imine, L Fridman, T Madani
IEEE, 2012
Rollover risk prediction of heavy vehicle using high order sliding mode observer: experimental results
H Imine, A Benallegue, T Madani, S Srairi
IEEE, 2013
Sliding mode based analysis and identification of vehicle dynamics
H Imine, L Fridman, H Shraim, M Djemai
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Sliding‐mode control for automated lane guidance of heavy vehicle
H Imine, T Madani
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 23 (1), 67-76, 2013
Rollover risk prediction of heavy vehicle in interaction with infrastructure
H Imine, V Dolcemascolo
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems 14 (3), 294-307, 2007
Observation d'états d'un véhicule pour l'estimation du profil dans les traces de roulement
H Imine
Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2003
Sliding mode observers to heavy vehicle vertical forces estimation
H Imine, V Dolcemascolo
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems 15 (1), 53-64, 2008
Road profile inputs for evaluation of the loads on the wheels
H Imine, Y Delanne, NK M'sirdi
Vehicle System Dynamics 43 (sup1), 359-369, 2005
Switched control for reducing impact of vertical forces on road and heavy vehicle rollover avoidance
H Imine, M Djemai
TVT, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2015
Road profile estimation in heavy vehicle dynamics simulation
H Imine, L Fridman
International Journal of Vehicle Design 47 (1-4), 234-249, 2008
Rollover risk prediction of heavy vehicles by reliability index and empirical modelling
Y Sellami, H Imine, A Boubezoul, JC Cadiou
Vehicle system dynamics 56 (3), 385-405, 2018
Observers With Unknown Inputs to Estimate Contact Forces and Road Profile
A Rabhi, H Imine, N M’Sirdi, Y Delanne
AVCS 4, 28-31, 2004
Variable gain sliding mode observer for heavy duty vehicle tyre forces estimation
O Khemoudj, H Imine, M Djemai, L Fridman
2010 11th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (VSS), 522-527, 2010
Road Safety Review update by using innovative technologies to investigate driver behaviour
N Ghasemi, E Acerra, V Vignali, C Lantieri, A Simone, H Imine
Transportation research procedia 45, 368-375, 2020
Identification of vehicle parameters and estimation of vertical forces
H Imine, L Fridman, T Madani
International Journal of Systems Science 46 (16), 2996-3009, 2015
Heavy vehicle suspension parameters identification and estimation of vertical forces: Experimental results
H Imine, T Madani
International Journal of Control 88 (2), 324-334, 2015
Adaptive Observers and Estimation of the Road Profile
LL H. Imine, N. K. M'Sirdi, Y. Delanne
SAE Transactions 2003, Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems …, 2003
Robust observation of tractor-trailer vertical forces using inverse model and exact differentiator
O Khemoudj, H Imine, M Djemai
SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing 3 (1), 278-289, 2010
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Articles 1–20