Carsten Robens
Carsten Robens
Quantum Research Scientist, AWS - Center for Quantum Networking
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Bose polarons near quantum criticality
ZZ Yan, Y Ni, C Robens, MW Zwierlein
Science 368 (6487), 190-194, 2020
Ideal negative measurements in quantum walks disprove theories based on classical trajectories
C Robens, W Alt, D Meschede, C Emary, A Alberti
Physical Review X 5 (1), 011003, 2015
Super-resolution microscopy of single atoms in optical lattices
A Alberti, C Robens, W Alt, S Brakhane, M Karski, R Reimann, A Widera, ...
New Journal of Physics 18 (5), 053010, 2016
Demonstration of quantum brachistochrones between distant states of an atom
MR Lam, N Peter, T Groh, W Alt, C Robens, D Meschede, A Negretti, ...
Physical Review X 11 (1), 011035, 2021
High numerical aperture (NA= 0.92) objective lens for imaging and addressing of cold atoms
C Robens, S Brakhane, W Alt, F Kleißler, D Meschede, G Moon, ...
Optics letters 42 (6), 1043-1046, 2017
Low-entropy states of neutral atoms in polarization-synthesized optical lattices
C Robens, J Zopes, W Alt, S Brakhane, D Meschede, A Alberti
Physical Review Letters 118 (6), 065302, 2017
What if the LHC does not find supersymmetry in the TeV run?
P Bechtle, B Sarrazin, K Desch, HK Dreiner, P Wienemann, M Krämer, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 84 (1), 011701, 2011
Fast, high-precision optical polarization synthesizer for ultracold-atom experiments
C Robens, S Brakhane, W Alt, D Meschede, J Zopes, A Alberti
Physical Review Applied 9 (3), 034016, 2018
Atomic “bomb testing”: the Elitzur–Vaidman experiment violates the Leggett–Garg inequality
C Robens, W Alt, C Emary, D Meschede, A Alberti
Exploring the World with the Laser: Dedicated to Theodor Hänsch on his 75th …, 2018
Note: In situ measurement of vacuum window birefringence by atomic spectroscopy
A Steffen, W Alt, M Genske, D Meschede, C Robens, A Alberti
Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (12), 2013
Cryogenic packaging of nanophotonic devices with a low coupling loss< 1 dB
B Zeng, C De-Eknamkul, D Assumpcao, D Renaud, Z Wang, D Riedel, ...
Applied Physics Letters 123 (16), 2023
Note: Ultra-low birefringence dodecagonal vacuum glass cell
S Brakhane, W Alt, D Meschede, C Robens, G Moon, A Alberti
Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (12), 2015
Quantum walks with neutral atoms: Quantum interference effects of one and two particles
C Robens, S Brakhane, D Meschede, A Alberti
Laser Spectroscopy: XXII International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy …, 2017
Testing the Quantumness of Atom Trajectories
C Robens
Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2017
Present and possible future implications for mSUGRA of the non-discovery of SUSY at the LHC
P Bechtle, K Desch, H Dreiner, M Kramer, B O'Leary, C Robens, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1105.5398, 2011
Boson sampling with ultracold atoms
C Robens, I Arrazola, W Alt, D Meschede, L Lamata, E Solano, A Alberti
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.12253, 2022
Collective flow of fermionic impurities immersed in a Bose–Einstein condensate
ZZ Yan, Y Ni, A Chuang, PE Dolgirev, K Seetharam, E Demler, C Robens, ...
Nature Physics, 1-6, 2024
Dissipationless flow in a Bose-Fermi mixture
ZZ Yan, Y Ni, A Chuang, PE Dolgirev, K Seetharam, E Demler, C Robens, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.07663, 2023
Constrained supersymmetric models in the light of LHC exclusions, precision measurements and astroparticle physics
M Krämer, P Bechtle, K Desch, HK Dreiner, B O’Leary, C Robens, ...
LC11 Workshop: Understanding QCD at Linear Colliders in searching for old …, 2012
Accelerating analysis of Boltzmann equations using Gaussian mixture models: Application to quantum Bose-Fermi mixtures
PE Dolgirev, K Seetharam, M Kanász-Nagy, C Robens, ZZ Yan, ...
Physical Review Research 6 (3), 033017, 2024
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