Laurent Prétôt
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Cited by
Adult cleaner wrasse outperform capuchin monkeys, chimpanzees and orang-utans in a complex foraging task derived from cleaner–client reef fish cooperation
LH Salwiczek, L Prétôt, L Demarta, D Proctor, J Essler, AI Pinto, S Wismer, ...
PLoS One 7 (11), e49068, 2012
Comparing species decisions in a dichotomous choice task: Adjusting task parameters improves performance in monkeys
L Prétôt, R Bshary, SF Brosnan
Animal Cognition 19, 819-834, 2016
Factors influencing the different performance of fish and primates on a dichotomous choice task
L Prétôt, R Bshary, SF Brosnan
Animal Behaviour 119, 189-199, 2016
Human and monkey responses in a symmetric game of conflict with asymmetric equilibria
SF Brosnan, SA Price, K Leverett, L Prétôt, M Beran, BJ Wilson
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 142, 293-306, 2017
Eliminating the VGlut2-dependent glutamatergic transmission of parvalbumin-expressing neurons leads to deficits in locomotion and vocalization, decreased pain sensitivity, and …
DM Roccaro-Waldmeyer, F Girard, D Milani, E Vannoni, L Prétôt, ...
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 12, 146, 2018
Using photographs to study animal social cognition and behaviour: Do capuchins’ responses to photos reflect reality?
FB Morton, SF Brosnan, L Prétôt, HM Buchanan-Smith, E O’Sullivan, ...
Behavioural processes 124, 38-46, 2016
The evolution of morality: a comparative approach
L Prétôt, S Brosnan
Comparative Cognition Needs Big Team Science: How Large-Scale Collaborations Will Unlock the Future of the Field
N Alessandroni, D Altschul, M Bazhydai, K Byers-Heinlein, M Elsherif, ...
Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews 19, 67-72, 2024
Comparative performance of orangutans (Pongo spp.), gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), and drills (Mandrillus leucophaeus), in an ephemeral foraging task
L Prétôt, J Mickelberg, J Carrigan, T Stoinski, R Bshary, SF Brosnan
American journal of primatology 83 (1), e23212, 2021
Children avoid inefficient but fair partners in a cooperative game
L Prétôt, G Gonzalez, K McAuliffe
Scientific reports 10 (1), 10511, 2020
Capuchin monkeys (Cebus [sapajus] apella) show planning in a manual maze task.
L Prétôt, SF Brosnan
Journal of Comparative Psychology 133 (1), 81, 2019
Western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) do not show an aversion to inequity in a token exchange task
MJ Sosnowski, LA Drayton, L Prétôt, J Carrigan, TS Stoinski, SF Brosnan
American Journal of Primatology 83 (10), e23326, 2021
Does nonbinding commitment promote children’s cooperation in a social dilemma?
L Prétôt, K McAuliffe
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 200, 104947, 2020
Children cooperate more with in-group members than with out-group members in an iterated face-to-face Prisoner’s Dilemma Game
L Prétôt, Q Taylor, K McAuliffe
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 241, 105858, 2024
Capuchin monkeys’ ability to choose beneficial options is inhibited by added complexity
MH Babb, L Prétôt, R Bshary, SF Brosnan
Animal Behaviour 210, 303-313, 2024
Bringing Big Team Science to Comparative Cognition Research: Challenges and Ways Forward
N Alessandroni, D Altschul, M Bazhydai, S Brosnan, K Byers-Heinlein, ...
Punishment is sensitive to outside options in humans but not in cleaner fish (Labroides dimidiatus)
P Deutchman, M Aellen, M Bogese, R Bshary, L Drayton, D Gil, J Martin, ...
Animal Behaviour 205, 15-33, 2023
Do non-human primates ascribe goals to the choices of conspecifics
L Prétôt, DJ Weiss, SF Brosnan
Animal Behavior and Cognition, 5 (1), 41-54, 2018
Challenges and promises of big team comparative cognition
N Alessandroni, D Altschul, HA Baumgartner, M Bazhydai, SF Brosnan, ...
Nature Human Behaviour, 1-3, 2024
Factors Influencing Species Performance in a Cross-Taxon Comparative Research Program
L Prétôt
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Articles 1–20