Turgay Avci
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The effect of management commitment to service quality on employees' affective and performance outcomes
E Babakus, U Yavas, OM Karatepe, T Avci
Journal of the Academy of marketing Science 31 (3), 272-286, 2003
Customer incivility and employees' outcomes in the hotel: Testing the mediating role of emotional exhaustion
UV Alola, OA Olugbade, T Avci, A Öztüren
Tourism Management Perspectives 29, 9-17, 2019
Antecedents and outcomes of service recovery performance: an empirical study of frontline employees in Turkish banks
U Yavas, OM Karatepe, T Avci, M Tekinkus
International Journal of Bank Marketing 21 (5), 255-265, 2003
Measuring service quality of travel agents: evidence from Northern Cyprus
N Johns, T Avci, OM Karatepe
The Service Industries Journal 24 (3), 82-100, 2004
Does causality between geopolitical risk, tourism and economic growth matter? Evidence from Turkey
S Saint Akadiri, KK Eluwole, AC Akadiri, T Avci
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 43, 273-277, 2020
Customer complaints and organizational responses: a study of hotel guests in Northern Cyprus
U Yavas, OM Karatepe, E Babakus, T Avci
Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing 11 (2-3), 31-46, 2004
Another look into the Knowledge Attitude Practice (KAP) model for food control: An investigation of the mediating role of food handlers’ attitudes
VS Kwol, KK Eluwole, T Avci, TT Lasisi
Food control 110, 107025, 2020
A conceptual model for green human resource management: Indicators, differential pathways, and multiple pro-environmental outcomes
E Ari, OM Karatepe, H Rezapouraghdam, T Avci
Sustainability 12 (17), 7089, 2020
Propensity to trust and knowledge sharing behavior: An evaluation of importance-performance analysis among Nigerian restaurant employees
OA Ogunmokun, KK Eluwole, T Avci, TT Lasisi, JE Ikhide
Tourism Management Perspectives 33, 100590, 2020
Does gender moderate the effects of role stress in frontline service jobs?
OM Karatepe, U Yavas, E Babakus, T Avci
Journal of Business Research 59 (10-11), 1087-1093, 2006
The effects of psychological capital and work engagement on nurses’ lateness attitude and turnover intentions
OM Karatepe, T Avci
Journal of management Development 36 (8), 1029-1039, 2017
Measuring service quality in the hotel industry: Evidences from Northern Cyprus
OM Karatepe, T Avci
Anatolia 13 (1), 19-32, 2002
Organization sustainability through human resource capital: The impacts of supervisor incivility and self-efficacy
UV Alola, T Avci, A Ozturen
Sustainability 10 (8), 2610, 2018
Ethical leadership, trust in organization and their impacts on critical hotel employee outcomes
KK Eluwole, OM Karatepe, T Avci
International Journal of Hospitality Management 102, 103153, 2022
Does team psychological capital moderate the relationship between authentic leadership and negative outcomes: an investigation in the hospitality industry
H A Megeirhi, H Kilic, T Avci, B Afsar, AM Abubakar
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 31 (1), 927-945, 2018
Impact of corruption and insurgency on tourism performance: A case of a developing country
UV Alola, AA Alola, T Avci, A Ozturen
International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration 22 (4), 412-428, 2021
Consumer well‐being through engagement and innovation in higher education: A conceptual model and research propositions
OA Ogunmokun, GI Unverdi‐Creig, H Said, T Avci, KK Eluwole
Journal of Public Affairs 21 (1), e2100, 2021
Effects of Job Standardization and Job Satisfaction on Service Quality: A Study of Frontline Employeesin Northern Cyprus
OM Karatepe, T Avci, H Arasli
Services Marketing Quarterly 25 (3), 1-17, 2004
Explicating innovation-based human resource management's influence on employee satisfaction and performance
TT Lasisi, A Ozturen, KK Eluwole, T Avci
Employee Relations: The International Journal 42 (6), 1181-1203, 2020
A conceptual model development of the impact of higher education service quality in guaranteeing edu‐tourists' satisfaction and behavioral intentions
S Rahimizhian, T Avci, KK Eluwole
Journal of Public Affairs 20 (3), e2085, 2020
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