Kristin Marie Bivens
Kristin Marie Bivens
Department of Clinical Research at the University of Bern, Switzerland
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Rhetorically Listening for Microwithdrawals of Consent in Research Practice
KM Bivens
Methodologies for the Rhetoric of Health and Medicine 1, 304, 2017
Surveying precarious publics
C Teston, L Gonzales, KM Bivens, K Whitney
Rhetoric of Health & Medicine 2 (3), 321-351, 2019
The grotesque protest in social media as embodied, political rhetoric
KM Bivens, K Cole
Journal of Communication Inquiry 42 (1), 5-25, 2018
IRB Problems and Solutions in Health Communication Research
CST King, KM Bivens, E Pumroy, S Rauch, A and Koerber
Health Communication, 2017
mHealth apps and usability: Using user-generated content to explore users' experiences with a civilian first responder app
CA Welhausen, KM Bivens
Technical communication 68 (3), 97-112, 2021
The activist syllabus as technical communication and the technical communicator as curator of public intellectualism
KM Bivens, K Cole, L Heilig
Technical Communication Quarterly 29 (1), 70-89, 2020
Reducing harm by designing discourse and digital tools for opioid users' contexts: the Chicago Recovery Alliance's community-based context of use and PwrdBy's technology-based …
KM Bivens
Communication Design Quarterly Review 7 (2), 17-27, 2019
A Multisensory Literacy Approach to Biomedical Healthcare Technologies: Aural, Tactile, and Visual Layered Health Literacies
KM Bivens, L Arduser, CA Welhausen, MJ Faris
Kairos 22 (2), 2018
Locating Technical and Professional Communication at Two-Year Institutions
KM Bivens, TJ Elliott, GKH Wiberg
Programmatic Perspectives 11 (2), 6-67, 2020
Coordinating distributed memory: An environmental engineer’s proposal-writing process using a product calculator
KM Bivens, KC Cook
Journal of Business and Technical Communication 32 (3), 285-307, 2018
Civilian first responder mHealth apps, interface rhetoric, and amplified precarity
CA Welhausen, KM Bivens
Rhetoric of Health & Medicine 5 (1), 11-37, 2022
Feature: Updating Information about Technical and Professional Communication at Two-Year Colleges
KM Bivens, TJ Elliott, GKH Wiberg
Teaching English in the Two-Year College 48 (2), 200-214, 2020
Using content analysis to explore users' perceptions and experiences using a novel citizen first responder app
CA Welhausen, KM Bivens
Proceedings of the 37th ACM International Conference on the Design of …, 2019
Sisyphus Rolls on: Reframing Women’s Ways of “Making It” in Rhetoric and Composition
KM Bivens, MMK Canter, K Cole, V Dutcher, M Gresham, ...
Harlot: A Revealing Look at the Arts of Persuasion 1 (10), 2013
Make COVID-19 Visuals Gross
KM Bivens, M Moeller, 2020
Pivoting toward rhetorical ethics by sharing and using existing data and creating an RHM databank: An ethical research practice for the rhetoric of health and medicine
KM Bivens, CA Welhausen
Rhetoric of Health & Medicine 3 (4), 483-493, 2020
Activism by Accuracy: Women’s Health and Hormonal Birth Control
KM Bivens, K Cole, A Koerber
Women's Health Advocacy, 163-176, 2019
A neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) soundscape: Physiological monitors, rhetorical ventriloquism, and earwitnessing
KM Bivens
Rhetoric of Health & Medicine 2 (1), 1-32, 2019
Experience Report: Using a Hybrid Card Sorting-Affinity Diagramming Method to Teach Content Analysis.
KM Bivens, CA Welhausen
Communication design quarterly 9 (3), 4-13, 2021
Constructing a cultural logic from a Swedish context
KM Bivens
Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 49 (4), 411-432, 2019
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