Benjamin Scheibehenne
Benjamin Scheibehenne
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Can there ever be too many options? A meta-analytic review of choice overload
B Scheibehenne, R Greifeneder, PM Todd
Journal of consumer research 37 (3), 409-425, 2010
Fast and frugal food choices: Uncovering individual decision heuristics
B Scheibehenne, L Miesler, PM Todd
Appetite 49 (3), 578-589, 2007
An introduction to Bayesian hypothesis testing for management research
S Andraszewicz, B Scheibehenne, J Rieskamp, R Grasman, J Verhagen, ...
Journal of Management 41 (2), 521-543, 2015
What moderates the too‐much‐choice effect?
B Scheibehenne, R Greifeneder, PM Todd
Psychology & Marketing 26 (3), 229-253, 2009
Less may be more when choosing is difficult: Choice complexity and too much choice
R Greifeneder, B Scheibehenne, N Kleber
Acta psychologica 133 (1), 45-50, 2010
Predicting Wimbledon 2005 tennis results by mere player name recognition
B Scheibehenne, A Bröder
International Journal of Forecasting 23 (3), 415-426, 2007
Testing adaptive toolbox models: a Bayesian hierarchical approach.
B Scheibehenne, J Rieskamp, EJ Wagenmakers
Psychological review 120 (1), 39, 2013
Rigorously testing multialternative decision field theory against random utility models.
NAJ Berkowitsch, B Scheibehenne, J Rieskamp
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (3), 1331, 2014
Dining in the dark. The importance of visual cues for food consumption and satiety
B Scheibehenne, PM Todd, B Wansink
Appetite 55 (3), 710-713, 2010
Using Bayesian hierarchical parameter estimation to assess the generalizability of cognitive models of choice
B Scheibehenne, T Pachur
Psychonomic bulletin & review 22, 391-407, 2015
Bayesian evidence synthesis can reconcile seemingly inconsistent results: The case of hotel towel reuse
B Scheibehenne, T Jamil, EJ Wagenmakers
Psychological Science 27 (7), 1043-1046, 2016
Constructing preference from experience: the endowment effect reflected in external information search.
T Pachur, B Scheibehenne
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 38 (4), 1108, 2012
Expectations of clumpy resources influence predictions of sequential events
B Scheibehenne, A Wilke, PM Todd
Evolution and Human Behavior 32 (5), 326-333, 2011
Taxing cognitive capacities reduces choice consistency rather than preference: A model-based test.
S Olschewski, J Rieskamp, B Scheibehenne
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 147 (4), 462, 2018
Predicting children's meal preferences: How much do parents know?
J Mata, B Scheibehenne, PM Todd
Appetite 50 (2-3), 367-375, 2008
The effect of having too much choice
B Scheibehenne
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, 2008
Illusionary pattern detection in habitual gamblers
A Wilke, B Scheibehenne, W Gaissmaier, P McCanney, HC Barrett
Evolution and Human Behavior 35 (4), 291-297, 2014
Bayesian inference for correlations in the presence of measurement error and estimation uncertainty
D Matzke, A Ly, R Selker, WD Weeda, B Scheibehenne, MD Lee, ...
Collabra: Psychology 3 (1), 25, 2017
Selecting decision strategies: The differential role of affect
B Scheibehenne, B Von Helversen
Cognition and Emotion 29 (1), 158-167, 2015
Cognitive models of choice: Comparing decision field theory to the proportional difference model
B Scheibehenne, J Rieskamp, C González‐Vallejo
Cognitive science 33 (5), 911-939, 2009
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