Dominic Hoeglinger
Cited by
Cited by
Political Conflict in Western Europe
H Kriesi, E Grande, M Dolezal, M Helbling, D Höglinger, S Hutter, B Wüest
Cambridge University Press, 2012
How political parties frame European integration
M Helbling, D Hoeglinger, B Wüest
European Journal of Political Research 49 (4), 495-521, 2010
The politicisation of European integration in domestic election campaigns
D Hoeglinger
West European Politics 39 (1), 44-63, 2016
Politicizing European Integration: Struggling with the Awakening Giant
D Hoeglinger
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
Verschafft die direkte Demokratie den Benachteiligten mehr Gehör? Der Einfluss institutioneller Rahmenbedingungen auf die mediale Präsenz politischer Akteure [Does direct …
D Höglinger
Swiss Political Science Review 14 (2), 207-243, 2008
Culture versus economy: the framing of public debates over issues related to globalization
D Höglinger, B Wüest, M Helbling
Cambridge University Press, 2012
How European integration is being politicized in Western Europe
D Höglinger
PhD Thesis, Department of Political Science, University of Zurich, 2012
PolDem-national election campaign dataset
H Kriesi, E Grande, S Hutter, A Altiparmakis, E Borbáth, S Bornschier, ...
National political change in a globalizing world. Supply side data on national election campaigns
H Kriesi, E Grande, M Donezald, M Helbling, D Hoeglinger, S Hutter, ...
University of Zurich and Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, 2012
Drei Welten der politischen Kommunikation? Ein Vergleich der Strukturen politischer Öffentlichkeit in der Schweiz, Deutschland und den USA anhand der Debatte um den …
D Höglinger
NCCR Democracy Working Paper, 2007
Actor configurations in the public debates on globalization
B Wüest, M Helbling, D Höglinger
Cambridge University Press, 2012
Public debates over globalization: the importance of arenas and actors
M Helbling, D Hoeglinger, B Wueest
Political Conflict in Western Europe, 2012
Public Debates as a Source of Political Data
D Hoeglinger, D Hoeglinger
Politicizing European Integration: Struggling with the Awakening Giant, 30-41, 2016
Die Einstellungen der Bevölkerung zu staatlicher Regulierung
D Hoeglinger, T Widmer
Zürcher Politik- und Evaluationsstudien. Universität Zürich, Institut für …, 2016
The Framing of European Integration
D Hoeglinger, D Hoeglinger
Politicizing European Integration: Struggling with the Awakening Giant, 100-124, 2016
The Challenging Politicization of a Multi-Faceted Issue
D Hoeglinger, D Hoeglinger
Politicizing European Integration: Struggling with the Awakening Giant, 11-29, 2016
How European Integration Orientations Are Structured
D Hoeglinger, D Hoeglinger
Politicizing European Integration: Struggling with the Awakening Giant, 60-80, 2016
The logics of issue-emphasis of the two challenger issues European integration and immigration in election campaigns
D Hoeglinger
ECPR conference paper, 2014
Explaining Changing Patterns of European Integration Attitudes in the 21st Century
D Hoeglinger
SPSA conference paper, 2014
Disentangling the ‘awaking giant’: Political actors’ positions in the public debate on European integration in Western Europe
D Hoeglinger
University of Zurich, 2010
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Articles 1–20