Frieder R. Lang
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Time counts: future time perspective, goals, and social relationships.
FR Lang, LL Carstensen
Psychology and aging 17 (1), 125, 2002
Close emotional relationships in late life: further support for proactive aging in the social domain.
FR Lang, LL Carstensen
Psychology and aging 9 (2), 315, 1994
Short assessment of the Big Five: Robust across survey methods except telephone interviewing
FR Lang, D John, O Lüdtke, J Schupp, GG Wagner
Behavior research methods 43, 548-567, 2011
Everyday functioning and successful aging: the impact of resources.
MM Baltes, FR Lang
Psychology and aging 12 (3), 433, 1997
Testgüte und psychometrische Äquivalenz der deutschen Version des Big Five Inventory (BFI) bei jungen, mittelalten und alten Erwachsenen
FR Lang, O Lüdtke, JB Asendorpf
Diagnostica 47 (3), 111-121, 2001
“They” are old but “I” feel younger: Age-group dissociation as a self-protective strategy in old age.
D Weiss, FR Lang
Psychology and aging 27 (1), 153, 2012
Future time perspective scale
LL Carstensen
Unpublished manuscript, Stanford University, 1996
Regulation of social relationships in later adulthood
FR Lang
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2001
Age-related patterns in social networks among European Americans and African Americans: Implications for socioemotional selectivity across the life span
HH Fung, LL Carstensen, FR Lang
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development 52 (3), 185-206, 2001
Selective optimization with compensation: Life-span perspectives on successful human development
M Marsiske, FR Lang, PB Baltes, MM Baltes
Compensating for psychological deficits and declines: Managing losses and …, 1995
Adapting to aging losses: Do resources facilitate strategies of selection, compensation, and optimization in everyday functioning?
FR Lang, N Rieckmann, MM Baltes
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2002
Perceived control over development and subjective well-being: differential benefits across adulthood.
FR Lang, J Heckhausen
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 81 (3), 509, 2001
Blood is thicker than water: kinship orientation across adulthood.
FJ Neyer, FR Lang
Journal of personality and social psychology 84 (2), 310, 2003
How art changes your brain: Differential effects of visual art production and cognitive art evaluation on functional brain connectivity
A Bolwerk, J Mack-Andrick, FR Lang, A Dörfler, C Maihöfner
PloS one 9 (7), e101035, 2014
Endings and continuity of social relationships: Maximizing intrinsic benefits within personal networks when feeling near to death
FR Lang
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 17 (2), 155-182, 2000
Aging in context across the adult life course: Integrating physical and social environmental research perspectives
HW Wahl, FR Lang
Annual review of gerontology and geriatrics 23 (1), 1-33, 2003
The measurement of selection, optimization, and compensation (SOC) by self report: Technical report 1999
PB Baltes, MM Baltes, AM Freund, FR Lang
Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, 1999
Soziale beziehungen alter menschen
M Wagner, Y Schütze, FR Lang
Die berliner altersstudie, 301-319, 1996
Depression bei Hochbetagten Ergebnisse der Berliner Altersstudie* Ergebnisse der Berliner Altersstudie
M Linden, G Kurtz, MM Baltes, B Geiselmann, FR Lang, FM Reischies, ...
Der Nervenarzt 69, 27-37, 1998
Perspectives on socioemotional selectivity in late life: How personality does (and does not) make a difference
FR Lang, UM Staudinger, LL Carstensen
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 1998
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