Maria Francesca Murru
Maria Francesca Murru
Universitŕ degli Studi di Bergamo, Dipartimento di Lettere, Filosofia e Comunicazione
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Cited by
Memetising the pandemic: Memes, COVID-19 mundanity and political cultures
MF Murru, S Vicari
The Playful Politics of Memes, 56-75, 2023
<? covid19?> One Platform, a Thousand Worlds: On Twitter Irony in the Early Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy
S Vicari, MF Murru
Social Media+ Society 6 (3), 2056305120948254, 2020
Definitions and values of media and information literacy in a historical context
CW Trültzsch-Wijnen, MF Murru, T Papaioannou
Public policies in media and information literacy in Europe, 91-115, 2017
“I can share politics but I don’t discuss it”: Everyday practices of political talk on Facebook
G Mascheroni, MF Murru
Social Media+ Society 3 (4), 2056305117747849, 2017
Social networking among European children: New findings on privacy, identity and connection
S Livingstone, G Mascheroni, MF Murru
Hermes 59, 89-98, 2011
Digital divides
P Tsatsou, P Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, MF Murru
Kids online, 107-120, 2009
Comparing media coverage of online risks for children in southern European countries: Italy, Portugal and Spain
G Mascheroni, C Ponte, M Garmendia, C Garitaonandia, MF Murru
International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics 6 (1), 25-43, 2010
Digital audiences disempowerment: Participation or free labour
L Vesnić-Alujević, MF Murru
Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies 13 (1), 422-430, 2016
Parents. Mediation, self-regulation and co-regulation
G Mascheroni, MF Murru, E Aristodemu, Y Laouris
Towards a better internet for children? Policy pillars, players and …, 2013
Utilisation des réseaux socionumériques par les jeunes européens: Nouveaux résultats sur la vie privée, l’identité et les connexions sociales 1
S Livingstone, G Mascheroni, MF Murru, A Thierry
Hermčs, 89-97, 2011
Media and Information Literacy Policies in Italy (2013)
P Aroldi, MF Murru
Milano: OssCom, 2014
Bridging the gap between micro and macro forms of engagement: Three emerging trends in research on audience participation
MF Murru, I Amaral, MJ Brites, G Seddighi
The future of audiences: A foresight analysis of interfaces and engagement …, 2018
Digital literacies and civic literacies: Theoretical issues, research questions and methodological approaches
G Mascheroni, MF Murru
Medijska istraživanja: znanstveno-stručni časopis za novinarstvo i medije 20 …, 2014
New media–new public spheres? An analysis of online shared spaces becoming public agoras
MF Murru
Communicative Approaches to Politics and Ethics in Europe, 141-153, 2009
Multi-method and innovative approaches to researching the learning and social practices of young digital users
N Vittadini, S Carlo, Ř Gilje, D Laursen, MF Murru, KC Schrřder
International Journal of Learning and Media 4 (2), 2014
La campagna ‘partecipata’: le amministrative a Milano viste dal basso
G Mascheroni, MF Murru
annual meeting of the Italian Association of Political Communication …, 2011
The post-intermediation of truth newsmaking from media companies to platform
F Colombo, MF Murru, S Tosoni
Comunicazioni sociali 2017 (3), 448-461, 2017
Macao prima e oltre i social media. La creazione dell'inatteso come logica di mobilitazione
A Cossu, MF Murru
Studi Culturali 12 (3), 353-372, 2015
Varieties of access and use
G Mascheroni, MF Murru, A Görzig
Children, Risk and Safety on the Internet, 59-72, 2012
The civic value of being an audience: The intersection between media and citizenship in audience research
MF Murru, M Stehling, I Amaral
Participations 13 (1), 402-421, 2016
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Articles 1–20