riin savi
riin savi
Research Fellow, Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of
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Cited by
Cutback management literature in the 1970s and 1980s: taking stock
R Raudla, R Savi, T Randma-Liiv
International Review of Administrative Sciences 81 (3), 433-456, 2015
The impact of fiscal crisis on decision‐making processes in European governments: Dynamics of a centralization cascade
R Raudla, JW Douglas, T Randma‐Liiv, R Savi
Public Administration Review 75 (6), 842-852, 2015
Politics of fiscal consolidation in Europe: a comparative analysis
WJM Kickert, T Randma-Liiv, R Savi
International Review of Administrative Sciences 81 (3), 562-584, 2015
Public sector reform in Estonia: Views and experiences from senior executives
R Savi, M Metsma
Literature review on cutback management
R Raudla, R Savi, T Randma-Liiv
Fiscal consolidation in Europe: A comparative analysis
W Kickert, T Randma-Liiv, R Savi
COCOPS Trend Report, 2013
Policy transfer in immature policy environments: motives, scope, role models and agents
T Randma‐Liiv, R Kruusenberg
Public administration and development 32 (2), 154-166, 2012
Fiscal crisis and expenditure cuts: The influence of public management practices on cutback strategies in Europe
R Raudla, JW Douglas, R Savi, T Randma-Liiv
The American Review of Public Administration 47 (3), 376-394, 2017
Decision-making in time of crisis: Cutback management in Estonia
R Savi, T Randma-Liiv
International Review of Administrative Sciences 81 (3), 479-497, 2015
The use of performance information in cutback budgeting
R Raudla, R Savi
Public Money & Management 35 (6), 409-416, 2015
Public administration and disciplines
T Hustedt, T Randma-Liiv, R Savi
European perspectives for public administration: The way forward, 129-146, 2020
Policy transfer in new democracies: challenges for public administration
R Savi, T Randma-Liiv
Policy Transfer and Learning in Public Policy and Management, 67-79, 2013
The impact of greater centralization on the relevance of performance information in European governments during the fiscal crisis
JW Douglas, R Raudla, T Randma-Liiv, R Savi
Administration & Society 51 (7), 1020-1050, 2019
Central decisions, decentralized solutions: Comparing the implications of central cutback policy for the agency level in Estonia and Latvia
R Savi, A Cepilovs
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 19 (2), 139-154, 2017
Introduction to the Special Issue: The Impact of the Fiscal Crisis on Public Administration
T Randma-Liiv
Halduskultuur 15 (1), 4-9, 2014
Public Sector Financial and Personnel Management during Cutbacks: Looking back at the Literature of the 1970s and 1980s.
R Raudla, T Randma-Liiv, R Savi
Halduskultuur-The Estonian Journal of Administrative Culture & Digital …, 2015
Public policy-making in a time of cutbacks: The role of the street-level bureaucrats in Estonia
R Savi
Halduskultuur 15 (1), 100-119, 2014
Managing the public sector underfiscal stress
T Randma-Liiv, R Savi
Public Administration Reforms in Europe, 231-243, 2016
Payment systems and incentives in primary care: implications of recent reforms in Estonia and Romania
S Dan, R Savi
The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 30 (3), 204-218, 2015
The use of performance information in cutback budgeting: The case of Estonia
R Raudla, R Savi, E Liedemann
35th Conference of the EGPA, PSG 2, 2013
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Articles 1–20