Michael Wiser
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Cited by
Long-term dynamics of adaptation in asexual populations
MJ Wiser, N Ribeck, RE Lenski
Science, 1243357, 2013
Mutation rate dynamics in a bacterial population reflect tension between adaptation and genetic load
S Wielgoss, JE Barrick, O Tenaillon, MJ Wiser, WJ Dittmar, S Cruveiller, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (1), 222-227, 2013
A comparison of methods to measure fitness in Escherichia coli
MJ Wiser, RE Lenski
PloS one 10 (5), e0126210, 2015
Sustained fitness gains and variability in fitness trajectories in the long-term evolution experiment with Escherichia coli
RE Lenski, MJ Wiser, N Ribeck, ZD Blount, JR Nahum, JJ Morris, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1821), 20152292, 2015
Open-ended evolution: Perspectives from the OEE workshop in York
T Taylor, M Bedau, A Channon, D Ackley, W Banzhaf, G Beslon, E Dolson, ...
Artificial life 22 (3), 408-423, 2016
The MODES toolbox: Measurements of open-ended dynamics in evolving systems
EL Dolson, AE Vostinar, MJ Wiser, C Ofria
Artificial life 25 (1), 50-73, 2019
Fluctuating environments select for short-term phenotypic variation leading to long-term exploration
R Canino-Koning, MJ Wiser, C Ofria
PLoS computational biology 15 (4), e1006445, 2019
An Avida-ED digital evolution curriculum for undergraduate biology
JJ Smith, WR Johnson, AM Lark, LS Mead, MJ Wiser, RT Pennock
Evolution: Education and Outreach 9, 1-11, 2016
The evolution of evolvability: Changing environments promote rapid adaptation in digital organisms
R Canino-Koning, M Wiser, C Ofria
Proceedings of the Artificial Life Conference, 268-275, 2016
Gene Duplications Drive the Evolution of Complex Traits and Regulation
A Lalejini, MJ Wiser, C Ofria
ECAL 2017 the 14th European Conference on Aritifical Life, 257-264, 2017
The boundedness illusion: Asymptotic projections from early evolution underestimate evolutionary potential
MJ Wiser, EL Dolson, A Vostinar, RE Lenski, C Ofria
PeerJ Preprints 6, e27246v2, 2018
Daily transfers, archiving populations, and measuring fitness in the long-term evolution experiment with Escherichia coli
JE Barrick, ZD Blount, DM Lake, JH Dwenger, JE Chavarria-Palma, ...
Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2023
The Effects of Evolution and Spatial Structure on Diversity in Biological Reserves
EL Dolson, MJ Wiser, CA Ofria
Proceedings of the Artificial Life Conference, 434-440, 2016
A digital technology‐based introductory biology course designed for engineering and other non‐life sciences STEM majors
C Kohn, MJ Wiser, RT Pennock, JJ Smith, LS Mead
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 26 (5), 1227-1238, 2018
Comparing Human and Automated Evaluation of Open-Ended Student Responses to Questions of Evolution
MJ Wiser, LS Mead, JJ Smith, RT Pennock
Proceedings of the Artificial Life Conference, 116-122, 2016
An analysis of fitness in long-term asexual evolution experiments
MJ Wiser
Michigan State University, 2015
Dirty Transmission Hypothesis: Increased Mutations During Horizontal Transmission Can Select for Increased Levels of Mutualism in Endosymbionts
C Schregardus, M Wiser, AE Vostinar
ALIFE 2022: The 2022 Conference on Artificial Life, 2022
Horizontal gene transfer leads to increased task acquisition and genomic modularity in digital organisms
MJ Wiser, R Canino-Koning, C Ofria
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 243-244, 2019
Evolutionary Theory and Experiments With Microorganisms
MJ Wiser, RE Lenski
Identifying Necessary Components for Open-Ended Evolution
AE Vostinar, EL Dolson, MJ Wiser, C Ofria
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Articles 1–20