Engin Tola
Engin Tola
Aurvis, Alumni CVLab, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
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Daisy: An efficient dense descriptor applied to wide-baseline stereo
E Tola, V Lepetit, P Fua
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 32 (5), 815-830, 2009
A fast local descriptor for dense matching
E Tola, V Lepetit, P Fua
2008 IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 1-8, 2008
Large Scale Multi-view Stereopsis Evaluation
R Jensen, A Dahl, G Vogiatzis, E Tola, H Aanæs
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2014
Large-scale data for multiple-view stereopsis
H Aanæs, RR Jensen, G Vogiatzis, E Tola, AB Dahl
International Journal of Computer Vision 120, 153-168, 2016
Efficient large-scale multi-view stereo for ultra high-resolution image sets
E Tola, C Strecha, P Fua
Machine Vision and Applications 23, 903-920, 2012
Template-free monocular reconstruction of deformable surfaces
A Varol, M Salzmann, E Tola, P Fua
2009 IEEE 12th international conference on computer vision, 1811-1818, 2009
Performance Analysis of State-of-the-Art Representation Methods for Geographical Image Retrieval and Categorization
S Ozkan, T Ates, E Tola, M Soysal, E Esen
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 11 (11), 1996-2000, 2014
Multiview 3D Reconstruction of a scene containing independently moving objects
E Tola
Middle East Technical University, 2005
Virtual view generation with a hybrid camera array
E Tola, C Zhang, Q Cai, Z Zhang
Structure from motion in dynamic scenes with multiple motions
E Tola, S Knorr, E İmre, A Alatan, T Sikora
2nd Workshop on Immersive Communication and Broadcast Systems, 2005
DAISY: A Fast Descriptor for Dense Wide Baseline Stereo and Multiview Reconstruction
E Tola
EPFL, 2010
Performance of star centroiding methods under near-real sensor artifact simulation
S Özkan, E Tola, M Soysal
2015 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies …, 2015
Black-Body SNR Formulation of Astronomical Camera Systems
E Tola
IEEE Sensors Journal 15 (9), 4941 - 4949, 2015
Large occlusion completion using normal maps
E Tola, A Fossati, C Strecha, P Fua
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2010
Effects of Star Extraction Artifacts on Blind Attitude Determination
E Tola, M Soysal
International Conference on Image Processing, 2014
A fast local descriptor for dense matching
E Tola, V Lepetit, P Fua
Technical Report Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CVLAB, 2007
Fast outlier rejection by using parallax-based rigidity constraint for epipolar geometry estimation
E Tola, AA Alatan
Multimedia Content Representation, Classification and Security …, 2006
Solving fundamental matrix for uncalibrated scene reconstruction
U Topay, E Tola, AA Alatan
2005 13th European Signal Processing Conference, 1-4, 2005
Feature encoding models for geographic image retrieval and categorization
S Özkan, T Ateş, E Tola, M Soysal, E Esen
2014 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2014
A self calibrating star tracker system
E Tola
2016 24th Signal Processing and Communication Application Conference (SIU …, 2016
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