Anjali Krishnan
Anjali Krishnan
Associate Professor, Brooklyn College, City University of New York (CUNY)
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Partial least squares (PLS) methods for neuroimaging: a tutorial and review
A Krishnan, LJ Williams, AR McIntosh, H Abdi
Neuroimage 56 (2), 455-475, 2011
Cluster-extent based thresholding in fMRI analyses: Pitfalls and recommendations
CW Woo, A Krishnan, TD Wager
NeuroImage 91, 412-419, 2014
A sensitive and specific neural signature for picture-induced negative affect
LJ Chang, PJ Gianaros, SB Manuck, A Krishnan, TD Wager
PLoS biology 13 (6), e1002180, 2015
Somatic and vicarious pain are represented by dissociable multivariate brain patterns
A Krishnan, CW Woo, LJ Chang, L Ruzic, X Gu, M López-Solà, ...
elife 5, e15166, 2016
The impact of T1 versus EPI spatial normalization templates for fMRI data analyses
VD Calhoun, TD Wager, A Krishnan, KS Rosch, KE Seymour, MB Nebel, ...
Human brain mapping 38 (11), 5331-5342, 2017
Quantifying cerebral contributions to pain beyond nociception
CW Woo, L Schmidt, A Krishnan, M Jepma, M Roy, MA Lindquist, LY Atlas, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14211, 2017
Mental health literacy in a diverse sample of undergraduate students: demographic, psychological, and academic correlates
R Miles, L Rabin, A Krishnan, E Grandoit, K Kloskowski
BMC public health 20, 1-13, 2020
Group-regularized individual prediction: theory and application to pain
MA Lindquist, A Krishnan, M López-Solà, M Jepma, CW Woo, L Koban, ...
NeuroImage, 2015
Multiple Brain Networks Mediating Stimulus–Pain Relationships in Humans
S Geuter, EA Reynolds Losin, M Roy, LY Atlas, L Schmidt, A Krishnan, ...
Cerebral Cortex 30 (7), 4204-4219, 2020
Pain-Evoked Reorganization in Functional Brain Networks
W Zheng, CW Woo, Z Yao, P Goldstein, LY Atlas, M Roy, L Schmidt, ...
Cerebral Cortex 30 (5), 2804-2822, 2020
When pain really matters: A vicarious-pain brain marker tracks empathy for pain in the romantic partner
M López-Solà, L Koban, A Krishnan, TD Wager
Neuropsychologia 145, 106427, 2020
Individual variability in brain representations of pain
L Kohoutová, LY Atlas, C Büchel, JT Buhle, S Geuter, M Jepma, L Koban, ...
Nature neuroscience 25 (6), 749-759, 2022
Analysis of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Data to Discriminate among Alzheimer's Disease, Frontotemporal Dementia, and Elderly Controls: A Multi-Block Barycentric Discriminant …
H Abdi, LJ Williams, D Beaton, MT Posamentier, TS Harris, A Krishnan, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 31, S189-S201, 2012
A generalizable multivariate brain pattern for interpersonal guilt
H Yu, L Koban, LJ Chang, U Wagner, A Krishnan, P Vuilleumier, X Zhou, ...
Cerebral Cortex 30 (6), 3558-3572, 2020
Development, item analysis, and initial reliability and validity of three forms of a multiple-choice mental health literacy assessment for college students (MHLA-c)
LA Rabin, RT Miles, A Kamata, A Krishnan, M Elbulok-Charcape, ...
Psychiatry Research 300, 113897, 2021
A multistudy analysis reveals that evoked pain intensity representation is distributed across brain systems
B Petre, P Kragel, LY Atlas, S Geuter, M Jepma, L Koban, A Krishnan, ...
PLoS biology 20 (5), e3001620, 2022
Brain and psychological mediators of imitation: sociocultural versus physical traits
EAR Losin, CW Woo, A Krishnan, TD Wager, M Iacoboni, M Dapretto
Culture and Brain, 1-19, 2015
The neural correlates of cued reward omission
JA Mollick, LJ Chang, A Krishnan, TE Hazy, KA Krueger, GKW Frank, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 15, 615313, 2021
A measure of basic math skills for use with undergraduate statistics students: The MACS
L Rabin, L Fink, A Krishnan, J Fogel, L Berman, R Bergdoll
Statistics Education Research Journal 17 (2), 179-195, 2018
Distance-based partial least squares analysis
A Krishnan, N Kriegeskorte, H Abdi
New perspectives in Partial Least Squares and Related Methods, H. Abdi, W …, 2013
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