Hari, Pertti
Hari, Pertti
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The human footprint in the carbon cycle of temperate and boreal forests
F Magnani, M Mencuccini, M Borghetti, P Berbigier, F Berninger, S Delzon, ...
Nature 447 (7146), 849-851, 2007
Station for Measuring Ecosystem-Atmosphere relations
P Hari, M Kulmala
Boreal Environ. Res 10, 315-322, 2005
Comparison of different chamber techniques for measuring soil CO< sub> 2</sub> efflux
J Pumpanen, P Kolari, H Ilvesniemi, K Minkkinen, T Vesala, S Niinistö, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 123 (3), 159-176, 2004
A new feedback mechanism linking forests, aerosols, and climate
M Kulmala, T Suni, KEJ Lehtinen, M Dal Maso, M Boy, A Reissell, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 4 (2), 557-562, 2004
Air temperature triggers the recovery of evergreen boreal forest photosynthesis in spring
S Tanja, F Berninger, T Vesala, T Markkanen, P Hari, A Mäkelä, ...
Global Change Biology 9 (10), 1410-1426, 2003
Temperature and light dependence of the VOC emissions of Scots pine
V Tarvainen, H Hakola, H Hellén, J Bäck, P Hari, M Kulmala
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5 (4), 989-998, 2005
Process-based estimates of terrestrial ecosystem isoprene emissions: incorporating the effects of a direct CO< sub> 2</sub>-isoprene interaction
A Arneth, Ü Niinemets, S Pressley, J Bäck, P Hari, T Karl, S Noe, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (1), 2007
Carbon balance of different aged Scots pine forests in Southern Finland
P Kolari, J Pumpanen, Ü Rannik, H Ilvesniemi, P Hari, F Berninger
Global Change Biology 10 (7), 1106-1119, 2004
Effect of thinning on surface fluxes in a boreal forest
T Vesala, T Suni, Ü Rannik, P Keronen, T Markkanen, S Sevanto, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19 (2), GB2001, 2005
Assimilate transport in phloem sets conditions for leaf gas exchange
E Nikinmaa, T Hölttä, P Hari, P Kolari, A Mäkelä, S Sevanto, T Vesala
Plant, Cell & Environment, 2012
Acclimation of photosynthetic capacity in Scots pine to the annual cycle of temperature
A Mäkelä, P Hari, F Berninger, H Hänninen, E Nikinmaa
Tree physiology 24 (4), 369-376, 2004
Optimal control of gas exchange during drought: theoretical analysis
Annals of Botany 77 (5), 461-468, 1996
Evaluation of six process‐based forest growth models using eddy‐covariance measurements of CO2 and H2O fluxes at six forest sites in Europe
K Kramer, I Leinonen, HH Bartelink, P Berbigier, M Borghetti, C Bernhofer, ...
Global Change Biology 8 (3), 213-230, 2002
Long-term field measurements of atmosphere-surface interactions in boreal forest combining forest ecology, micrometeorology, aerosol physics and atmospheric chemistry
T Vesala, J Haataja, PP Aalto, N Altimir, G Buzorius, K Hämeri, ...
Trends in heat, mass & momentum transfer 4, 17-35, 1998
Forest floor vegetation plays an important role in photosynthetic production of boreal forests
P Kolari, J Pumpanen, L Kulmala, H Ilvesniemi, E Nikinmaa, T Grönholm, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 221 (1-3), 241-248, 2006
Foliage surface ozone deposition: a role for surface moisture?
N Altimir, P Kolari, JP Tuovinen, T Vesala, J Bäck, T Suni, M Kulmala, ...
Biogeosciences 3 (2), 209-228, 2006
Developing an empirical model of stand GPP with the LUE approach: analysis of eddy covariance data at five contrasting conifer sites in Europe
A Mäkelä, M Pulkkinen, P Kolari, F Lagergren, P Berbigier, A Lindroth, ...
Global change biology 14 (1), 92-108, 2008
Paired comparisons of carbon exchange between undisturbed and regenerating stands in four managed forests in Europe
AS Kowalski, D Loustau, P Berbigier, G Manca, V Tedeschi, M Borghetti, ...
Global Change Biology 10 (10), 1707-1723, 2004
Optimal control of gas exchange
P Hari, A Mäkelä, E Korpilahti, M Holmberg
Tree physiology 2 (1-2-3), 169-175, 1986
Effects of dormancy and environmental factors on timing of bud burst in Betula pendula
R Häkkinen, T Linkosalo, P Hari
Tree Physiology 18 (10), 707-712, 1998
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