Billur Akdeniz
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Effectiveness of marketing cues on consumer perceptions of quality: The moderating roles of brand reputation and third‐party information
B Akdeniz, RJ Calantone, CM Voorhees
Psychology & Marketing 30 (1), 76-89, 2013
Firm-specific assets, multinationality, and financial performance: A meta-analytic review and theoretical integration
AH Kirca, GTM Hult, K Roth, ST Cavusgil, MZ Perryy, MB Akdeniz, ...
Academy of management journal 54 (1), 47-72, 2011
New product development processes and new product profitability: Exploring the mediating role of speed to market and product quality
RC McNally, MB Akdeniz, RJ Calantone
Journal of Product Innovation Management 28 (s1), 63-77, 2011
An integrated marketing capability benchmarking approach to dealer performance through parametric and nonparametric analyses
MB Akdeniz, T Gonzalez-Padron, RJ Calantone
Industrial marketing management 39 (1), 150-160, 2010
Cultural variations in the use of marketing signals: A multilevel analysis of the motion picture industry
MB Akdeniz, MB Talay
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 41, 601-624, 2013
Signaling Quality: An Examination of the Effects of Marketing‐and Nonmarketing‐Controlled Signals on Perceptions of Automotive Brand Quality
MB Akdeniz, RJ Calantone, CM Voorhees
Journal of Product Innovation Management 31 (4), 728-743, 2014
Emerging Research Themes in Innovation and New Product Development: Insights from the 2017 PDMA‐UNH Doctoral Consortium
L Bstieler, T Gruen, D Brick, S Du, L Guo, M Khanlari, J McIlroy, ...
Journal of Product Innovation Management 35 (3), 300-307, 2018
The interactive effects of product and brand portfolio strategies on brand performance: Longitudinal evidence from the US automotive industry
AH Kirca, P Randhawa, MB Talay, MB Akdeniz
International Journal of Research in Marketing 37 (2), 421-439, 2020
KOBİ'lerin Ekonomik ve Sosyal Yapı İçindeki Yerleri, Destekleyici Kurumsal Çevreleri ve Avrupa Birliği'ne Uyum Sürecinde Yeniden Yapılandırılmaları
MB Akdeniz
Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 69-90, 2005
In time we trust?: The effects of duration on the dynamics of trust-building processes in inter-organizational relationships
MB Talay, MB Akdeniz
Strategic Management Review 8 (1), 77-90, 2014
Benchmarking sales staffing efficiency in dealerships using extended data envelopment analysis
T Gonzalez-Padron, MB Akdeniz, RJ Calantone
Journal of Business Research 67 (9), 1904-1911, 2014
When do the stock market returns to new product preannouncements predict product performance? Empirical evidence from the US automotive industry
MB Talay, MB Akdeniz, AH Kirca
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 45, 513-533, 2017
Stock market reactions to new product launches in international markets: The moderating role of culture
MB Talay, MB Akdeniz, M Obal, JD Townsend
Journal of International Marketing 27 (4), 81-98, 2019
A longitudinal examination of the impact of quality perception gap on brand performance in the US Automotive Industry
MB Akdeniz, RJ Calantone
Marketing Letters 28, 43-57, 2017
Innovative pedagogical approaches in teaching international business
MB Akdeniz, C Zhang, ST Cavusgil
Journal of Teaching in International Business 30 (2), 96-101, 2019
Happily (N) ever after: An empirical examination of the termination of IJVs across emerging versus developed markets
MB Akdeniz, MB Talay
Journal of Business Research 148, 390-404, 2022
The effects of crowdsourcing contribution type and temporal consistency on new product development success
M O'Hern, B Akdeniz, S Du
R&D Management 52 (1), 126-138, 2022
What causes break-ups? Factors driving the dissolution of marketing-oriented international joint ventures
M Berk Talay, M Billur Akdeniz
New Challenges to International Marketing, 227-256, 2009
Perception versus reality: A comprehensive examination of brand quality dynamics, market signaling, and performance interfaces
MB Akdeniz
Michigan State University, 2009
Antecedents and consequences of the gap between perceived and actual quality of brands
MB Akdeniz, RJ Calantone
The Sustainable Global Marketplace: Proceedings of the 2011 Academy of …, 2014
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