Corinna Kroeber
Corinna Kroeber
Professor, Comparative Politics, University of Greifswald
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Cited by
Do parliaments underrepresent women’s policy preferences? Exploring gender equality in policy congruence in 21 European democracies
SC Dingler, C Kroeber, J Fortin-Rittberger
Journal of European public policy 26 (2), 302-321, 2019
How to measure the substantive representation of traditionally excluded groups in comparative research: a literature review and new data
C Kroeber
Representation 54 (3), 241-259, 2018
The higher the fewer? Patterns of female representation across levels of government in Germany
C Eder, J Fortin-Rittberger, C Kroeber
Parliamentary Affairs 69 (2), 366-386, 2016
It's a long way to the top: Women's ministerial career paths
C Kroeber, J Hüffelmann
Politics & Gender 18 (3), 741-767, 2022
Political careers of ministers and prime ministers
F Müller-Rommel, C Kroeber, M Vercesi
How women in the executive influence government stability
S Krauss, C Kroeber
Journal of European Public Policy 28 (9), 1372-1390, 2021
How Political Careers affect Prime-Ministerial Performance: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe
F Grotz, F Müller-Rommel, J Berz, C Kroeber, M Kukec
Comparative Political Studies 54 (11), 1907-1938, 2021
How Party Systems Shape Local–National Gender Gaps
J Fortin-Rittberger, C Eder, C Kroeber, V Marent
Government and Opposition 54 (1), 52-74, 2019
Exploring the impact of reserved seat design on the quality of minority representation
C Kroeber
Ethnopolitics 16 (2), 196-216, 2017
Still a glass ceiling? Tracing the limits to women’s representation in elected office
C Kroeber, V Marent, J Fortin-Rittberger, C Eder
Comparative European Politics 17, 112-131, 2019
How parties led by a woman redefine their positions: Empirical evidence for women's green, alternative and libertarian agenda
C Kroeber
European Journal of Political Research 61 (1), 175-193, 2022
When Do Men MPs Claim to Represent Women in Plenary Debates—Time-Series Cross-Sectional Evidence from the German States
C Kroeber
Political Research Quarterly 76 (2), 1024-1037, 2023
Every single word: A new data set including all parliamentary materials published in germany
T Remschel, C Kroeber
Government and Opposition 57 (2), 276-295, 2022
Growing numbers, growing influence? A comparative study of policy congruence between parliaments and citizens of immigrant origin
C Kroeber
European Journal of Political Research 57 (4), 900-918, 2018
Walking the line: Electoral cycles and the shift in legislative priorities among German parliamentarians
J Berz, C Kroeber
Electoral Studies 83, 102595, 2023
Der neu gewählte Deutsche Bundestag. Ein Schritt in Richtung eines" repräsentativen" Parlaments?
J Fortin-Rittberger, C Kröber
Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 47, 2021
Cabinet reshuffles and prime-ministerial performance in central and Eastern Europe
F Grotz, C Kroeber, M Kukec
Government and Opposition 59 (4), 1252-1273, 2024
Crisis and gender in legislative-executive relations
C Kroeber, SC Dingler
Politics & Gender 19 (3), 908-914, 2023
Myths About Women in the Political Executive—How Gender Stereotypes Shape the Way MPs Assess the Competences of Ministers
SC Dingler, C Kroeber
Political Research Quarterly 76 (3), 1403-1417, 2023
How individuals’ social characteristics impact the likelihood to waste a vote–evidence from Great Britain, Germany and France
C Kroeber, C Le Gall, SC Dingler
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 31 (3), 388-407, 2021
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Articles 1–20