Akbar Alipour
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Cited by
A new class of cubic SPIONs as a dual-mode T1 and T2 contrast agent for MRI
A Alipour, Z Soran-Erdem, M Utkur, VK Sharma, O Algin, EU Saritas, ...
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 49, 16-24, 2018
Highly monodisperse low-magnetization magnetite nanocubes as simultaneous T 1–T 2 MRI contrast agents
VK Sharma, A Alipour, Z Soran-Erdem, ZG Aykut, HV Demir
Nanoscale 7 (23), 10519-10526, 2015
A temperature sensor implant for active implantable medical devices for in vivo subacute heating tests under MRI
B Silemek, V Acikel, C Oto, A Alipour, ZG Aykut, O Algin, E Atalar
Magnetic resonance in medicine 79 (5), 2824-2832, 2018
Utilizing multiple BioMEMS sensors to monitor orthopaedic strain and predict bone fracture healing
JG Wolynski, CJ Sutherland, HV Demir, E Unal, A Alipour, CM Puttlitz, ...
Journal of Orthopaedic Research® 37 (9), 1873-1880, 2019
MRI Conditional Actively-Tracked Metallic Electrophysiology Catheters and Guidewires with Miniature Tethered Radio-Frequency Traps: Theory, Design and Validation
A Alipour, ES Meyer, C Dumoulin, R Watkins, H Elahi, W Loew, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2019
Improvement of magnetic resonance imaging using a wireless radiofrequency resonator array
A Alipour, AC Seifert, BN Delman, PM Robson, R Shrivastava, PR Hof, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 23034, 2021
An inductively coupled ultra‐thin, flexible, and passive RF resonator for MRI marking and guiding purposes: Clinical feasibility
A Alipour, S Gokyar, O Algin, E Atalar, HV Demir
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 80 (1), 361-370, 2018
Evidence of traumatic brain injury in headbutting bovids
NL Ackermans, M Varghese, TM Williams, N Grimaldi, E Selmanovic, ...
Acta neuropathologica 144 (1), 5-26, 2022
Development of a distance-independent wireless passive RF resonator sensor and a new telemetric measurement technique for wireless strain monitoring
A Alipour, E Unal, S Gokyar, HV Demir
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 255, 87-93, 2017
Brain-mimicking phantom for biomechanical validation of motion sensitive MR imaging techniques
E Ozkaya, ER Triolo, F Rezayaraghi, J Abderezaei, W Meinhold, K Hong, ...
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 122, 104680, 2021
Design, construction, and implementation of a magnetic resonance elastography actuator for research purposes
ER Triolo, O Khegai, E Ozkaya, N Rossi, A Alipour, L Fleysher, ...
Current protocols 2 (3), e379, 2022
Application of genetic algorithms in fuzzy wavelet neural network for fetal electrocardiogram extraction
A Alipour, F Hardalac
International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 4 (2), 176-183, 2012
Wireless deep-subwavelength metamaterial enabling sub-mm resolution magnetic resonance imaging
S Gokyar, A Alipour, E Unal, E Atalar, HV Demir
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 274, 211-219, 2018
Flexible strain sensors based on electrostatically actuated graphene flakes
S Fardindoost, A Alipour, S Mohammadi, S Gokyar, R Sarvari, HV Demir
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 25 (7), 075016, 2015
Multimodal assessment of bottlenose dolphin auditory nuclei using 7-Tesla MRI, immunohistochemistry and stereology
K Orekhova, E Selmanovic, R De Gasperi, MA Gama Sosa, B Wicinski, ...
Veterinary Sciences 9 (12), 692, 2022
Intracardiac MR imaging (ICMRI) guiding‐sheath with amplified expandable‐tip imaging and MR‐tracking for navigation and arrythmia ablation monitoring: Swine testing at 1.5 and 3T
EJ Schmidt, G Olson, J Tokuda, A Alipour, RD Watkins, EM Meyer, H Elahi, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 87 (6), 2885-2900, 2022
Enhanced Ultra-High Field Brain MRI Using a Wireless Radiofrequency Sheet
A Alipour, A Seifert, B Delman, R Shrivastava, G Adriany, Z Fayad, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 0129, 2021
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Assisted by Wireless Passive Implantable Fiducial e-Markers
S Gokyar, A Alipour, E Unal, E Atalar, HV Demir
IEEE Access 71 (99), 2017
Enhancing the brain MRI at ultra‐high field systems using a meta‐array structure
A Alipour, AC Seifert, BN Delman, PR Hof, ZA Fayad, P Balchandani
Medical Physics 50 (12), 7606-7618, 2023
Validation and testing of 7T MR elastography sequence and stiffness reconstruction
ER Triolo, O Khegai, A Alipour, P Kennedy, P Balchandani, M Kurt
Proceedings of BMES Annual Meeting 2021, 2021
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Articles 1–20