Michael Heilig
Michael Heilig
Academic Researcher, Insitute for Transport Studies, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
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Zitiert von
Potentials of autonomous vehicles in a changing private transportation system–a case study in the Stuttgart region
M Heilig, T Hilgert, N Mallig, M Kagerbauer, P Vortisch
Transportation research procedia 26, 13-21, 2017
Implementation of free-floating and station-based carsharing in an agent-based travel demand model
M Heilig, N Mallig, O Schröder, M Kagerbauer, P Vortisch
Travel Behaviour and Society 12, 151-158, 2018
Modeling week activity schedules for travel demand models
T Hilgert, M Heilig, M Kagerbauer, P Vortisch
Transportation Research Record 2666 (1), 69-77, 2017
Using OpenStreetMap as a data source for attractiveness in travel demand models
C Klinkhardt, T Woerle, L Briem, M Heilig, M Kagerbauer, P Vortisch
Transportation Research Record 2675 (8), 294-303, 2021
Modelling the weekly electricity demand caused by electric cars
N Mallig, M Heilig, C Weiss, B Chlond, P Vortisch
Future Generation Computer Systems 64, 140-150, 2016
Capturing the usage of the german car fleet for a one year period to evaluate the suitability of battery electric vehicles–a model based approach
C Weiss, B Chlond, M Heilig, P Vortisch
Transportation Research Procedia 1 (1), 133-141, 2014
Large-scale application of a combined destination and mode choice model estimated with mixed stated and revealed preference data
M Heilig, N Mallig, T Hilgert, M Kagerbauer, P Vortisch
Transportation Research Record 2669 (1), 31-40, 2017
Multiple-day agent-based modeling approach of station-based and free-floating carsharing
M Heilig, N Mallig, O Schroeder, M Kagerbauer, P Vortisch
Transportation Research Board 94th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2015
Hybrid modeling approach of car uses in Germany on basis of empirical data with different granularities
B Chlond, C Weiss, M Heilig, P Vortisch
Transportation Research Record 2412 (1), 67-74, 2014
Assessing the effects of a growing electric vehicle fleet using a microscopic travel demand model
C Weiss, M Heilig, N Mallig, B Chlond, T Franke, T Schneidereit, ...
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 17 (3), 2017
Determining service provider and transport system related effects of ridesourcing services by simulation within the travel demand model mobiTopp
G Wilkes, L Briem, M Heilig, T Hilgert, M Kagerbauer, P Vortisch
European Transport Research Review 13 (1), 34, 2021
Analyzing OpenStreetMap as data source for travel demand models A case study in Karlsruhe
L Briem, M Heilig, C Klinkhardt, P Vortisch
Transportation Research Procedia 41, 104-112, 2019
Modelling the weekly electricity demand caused by electric cars
N Mallig, M Heilig, C Weiss, B Chlond, P Vortisch
Procedia Computer Science 52, 444-451, 2015
Modeling intermodal travel behavior in an agent-based travel demand model
T Wörle, L Briem, M Heilig, M Kagerbauer, P Vortisch
Procedia Computer Science 184, 202-209, 2021
How much range is required? A model based analysis of potential battery electric vehicle usage
C Weiss, N Mallig, M Heilig, T Schneidereit, T Franke, P Vortisch
Transportation Research Board 95th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2016
The role of attitudes in on-demand mobility usage-an example from Shanghai
S von Behren, M Kirn, M Heilig, L Bönisch, B Chlond, P Vortisch
Mapping the Travel Behavior Genome, 103-124, 2020
Microscopic demand modeling of urban and regional commercial transport
A Reiffer, M Heilig, M Kagerbauer, P Vortisch
Procedia computer science 130, 667-674, 2018
Wirkungen zukünftiger mobilität: mobiTopp–simulationswerkzeug zur integration von carsharing und elektromobilität in die mobilitätslandschaft
M Kagerbauer, M Heilig, N Mallig, P Vortisch
Urbane Mobilität der Zukunft, 2015
Benefits of integrating microscopic land use and travel demand models: Location choice, time use & stability of travel behavior
R Moeckel, M Heilig, T Hilgert, M Kagerbauer
Transportation Research Procedia 48, 1956-1967, 2020
Assessment of fast-charging station locations—an integrated model based approach
M Heilig, P Plötz, T Soylu, L Briem, M Kagerbauer, P Vortisch
Mapping the Travel Behavior Genome, 595-611, 2020
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