Azor Nwachukwu
Cited by
Cited by
Fast evaluation of well placements in heterogeneous reservoir models using machine learning
A Nwachukwu, H Jeong, M Pyrcz, LW Lake
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 163, 463-475, 2018
Machine learning-based optimization of well locations and WAG parameters under geologic uncertainty
A Nwachukwu, H Jeong, A Sun, M Pyrcz, LW Lake
SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference?, D031S008R005, 2018
An integrated closed-loop solution to assisted history matching and field optimization with machine learning techniques
Z Chai, A Nwachukwu, Y Zagayevskiy, S Amini, S Madasu
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 198, 108204, 2021
Model selection for CO2 sequestration using surface deformation and injection data
A Nwachukwu, B Min, S Srinivasan
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 56, 67-92, 2017
Machine learning solutions for reservoir characterization, management, and optimization
C Nwachukwu
Selection of Geologic Models Based on Pareto-Optimality Using Surface Deformation and CO2 Injection Data for the in Salah Gas Sequestration Project
B Min, A Nwachukwu, S Srinivasan, MF Wheeler
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D021S021R002, 2016
Model selection for CO₂ sequestration using surface deflection and injection data
C Nwachukwu
Model parameter reductions and model parameter selection to optimize execution time of reservoir management workflows
Y Zagayevskiy, S Amini, S Madasu, Z Chai, A Nwachukwu
US Patent App. 17/014,944, 2021
Flow simulator for generating reservoir management workflows and forecasts based on analysis of high-dimensional parameter data space
Y Zagayevskiy, S Amini, S Madasu, Z Chai, A Nwachukwu
US Patent App. 17/014,331, 2021
Data Analytics Software for Automatic Detection of Anomalies in Well Testing
S Capponi, C Nwachukwu
SPE Offshore Europe Conference and Exhibition, D012S015R001, 2021
Model Selection Coupled with a Particle Tracking Proxy Using Surface Deformation Data for Monitoring CO2 Plume Migration
B Min, A Nwachukwu, S Srinivasan, MF Wheeler
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, H53H-1769, 2015
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Articles 1–11