Sabine Kuhlmann
Sabine Kuhlmann
Professorin für Verwaltungswissenschaft, Universität Potsdam
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Introduction to comparative public administration: Administrative systems and reforms in Europe
S Kuhlmann, H Wollmann
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019
Zehn Jahre Neues Steuerungsmodell: Eine Bilanz kommunaler Verwaltungsmodernisierung
J Bogumil
edition sigma, 2007
Evaluating administrative modernization in German local governments: Success or failure of the “new steering model”?
S Kuhlmann, J Bogumil, S Grohs
Public administration review 68 (5), 851-863, 2008
New public management for the ‘classical continental European administration’: Modernization at the local level in Germany, France and Italy
S Kuhlmann
Public Administration 88 (4), 1116-1130, 2010
European coronationalism? A hot spot governing a pandemic crisis
G Bouckaert, D Galli, S Kuhlmann, R Reiter, S Van Hecke
Public administration review 80 (5), 765, 2020
Performance Measurement in European local governments: a comparative analysis of reform experiences in Great Britain, France, Sweden and Germany
S Kuhlmann
International Review of Administrative Sciences 76 (2), 331-345, 2010
Ergebnisse und Wirkungen kommunaler Verwaltungsmodernisierung in Deutschland–Eine Evaluation nach zehn Jahren Praxiserfahrung
J Bogumil, S Grohs, S Kuhlmann
Politische Vierteljahreszeitschrift, Sonderheft 37, 151-184, 2006
Local public sector reforms in times of crisis
S Kuhlmann, G Bouckaert
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
Politik-und Verwaltungsreform in Kontinentaleuropa
S Kuhlmann
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2008
Verwaltung und Verwaltungsreformen in Europa: Einführung in die vergleichende Verwaltungswissenschaft
S Kuhlmann, H Wollmann
Springer-Verlag, 2013
Zehn Jahre kommunale Verwaltungsmodernisierung. Ansätze einer Wirkungsanalyse
J Bogumil, S Kuhlmann
Jann, Werner et al.: Status-Report Verwaltungsreform-Eine Zwischenbilanz …, 2004
Tracing divergence in crisis governance: responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in France, Germany and Sweden compared
S Kuhlmann, M Hellström, U Ramberg, R Reiter
International Review of Administrative Sciences 87 (3), 556-575, 2021
The evaluation of institutional reforms at sub-national government levels: a still neglected research agenda
S Kuhlmann, H Wollmann
Local Government Studies 37 (5), 479-494, 2011
Territorial reforms in Europe: effects on administrative performance and democratic participation
F Ebinger, S Kuhlmann, J Bogumil
Local government studies 45 (1), 1-23, 2019
Digital transformation going local: implementation, impacts and constraints from a German perspective
S Kuhlmann, M Heuberger
Public Money & Management 43 (2), 147-155, 2023
Introduction: Comparing local public sector reforms: Institutional policies in context
G Bouckaert, S Kuhlmann
Local public sector reforms in times of crisis: National trajectories and …, 2016
Institutional impact assessment in multi-level systems: Conceptualizing decentralization effects from a comparative perspective
S Kuhlmann, E Wayenberg
International Review of Administrative Sciences 82 (2), 233-254, 2016
Multi-level responses to COVID-19: crisis coordination in Germany from an intergovernmental perspective
S Kuhlmann, J Franzke
Local Government Studies 48 (2), 312-334, 2022
Local government systems: Grasping the institutional environment of mayors
H Heinelt, N Hlepas, S Kuhlmann, P Swianiewicz
Political leaders and changing local democracy: The European mayor, 19-78, 2018
Future of local government in Europe
C Schwab, G Bouckaert, S Kuhlmann
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Company KG, 2017
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