Peter P. Mollinga
Peter P. Mollinga
Professor of Development Studies
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Hydraulic bureaucracies and the hydraulic mission: Flows of water, flows of power.
F Molle, PP Mollinga, P Wester
Water alternatives 2 (3), 2009
Water, politics and development: Framing a political sociology of water resources management
PP Mollinga
Water alternatives 1 (1), 7, 2008
Politics, plurality and problemsheds: A strategic approach for reform of agricultural water resources management
PP Mollinga, RS Meinzen‐Dick, DJ Merrey
Development policy review 25 (6), 699-719, 2007
Water poverty indicators: conceptual problems and policy issues
F Molle, P Mollinga
Water policy 5 (5-6), 529-544, 2003
On the waterfront: Water distribution, technology and agrarian change in a South Indian canal irrigation system
PP Mollinga
PQDT-Global, 1998
Critical review of integrated water resources management: moving beyond polarised discourse
VS Saravanan, GT McDonald, PP Mollinga
Natural Resources Forum 33 (1), 76-86, 2009
Boundary work and the complexity of natural resources management
PP Mollinga
Crop Science 50, S-1-S-9, 2010
The politics of irrigation reform. Contested policy formulation and implementation in Asia, Africa and Latin America
P Mollinga, A Bolding
Ashgate, 2004
Water and politics: levels, rational choice and South Indian canal irrigation
PP Mollinga
Futures 33 (8-9), 733-752, 2001
Modules for modernisation: colonial irrigation in India and the technological dimension of agrarian change
A Bolding, PP Mollinga, K Van Straaten
The Journal of Development Studies 31 (6), 805-844, 1995
Water, infrastructure and political rule: Introduction to the special issue
J Obertreis, T Moss, P Mollinga, C Bichsel
Water Alternatives 9 (2), 2016
Scarcity by design: protective irrigation in India and Pakistan
M Jurriëns, PP Mollinga, P Wester
ILRI, 1996
Water, politics and development: Introducing water alternatives
F Molle, PP Mollinga, R Meinzen-Dick
Water alternatives 1 (1), 1, 2008
IWRM in South Asia: A concept looking for a constituency
PP Mollinga
Integrated water resources management in South Asia. Global theory, emerging …, 2006
The rational organisation of dissent: Boundary concepts, boundary objects and boundary settings in the interdisciplinary study of natural resources management
PP Mollinga
ZEF working paper series, 2008
Canal irrigation and the hydrosocial cycle: The morphogenesis of contested water control in the Tungabhadra Left Bank Canal, South India
PP Mollinga
Geoforum 57, 192-204, 2014
Microcredit for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in the Mekong Delta
N Reis, PP Mollinga
Policy implementation between the needs for clean water and ‘beautiful latrines, 2009
The material conditions of a polarized discourse: Clamours and silences in critical analysis of agricultural water use in India
PP Mollinga
Journal of Agrarian Change 10 (3), 414-436, 2010
Water policy–water politics: Social engineering and strategic action in water sector reform
PP Mollinga
Water politics and development cooperation: Local power plays and global …, 2008
The socio-technical aspects of water management: emerging trends at grass roots level in Uzbekistan
I Abdullaev, PP Mollinga
Water 2 (1), 85-100, 2010
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