Marc Debus
Marc Debus
Professor of Comparative Government, School of Social Sciences, University of Mannheim
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Who gets what in coalition governments? Predictors of portfolio allocation in parliamentary democracies
H Bäck, M Debus, P Dumont
European Journal of Political Research 50 (4), 441-478, 2011
Parteienwettbewerb in den deutschen Bundesländern
T Bräuninger, M Debus, J Müller, C Stecker
VS, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2012
Do parties matter in internationalised policy areas? The impact of political parties on environmental policy outputs in 18 OECD countries, 1970–2000
C Knill, M Debus, S Heichel
European journal of political research 49 (3), 301-336, 2010
Who Takes the Parliamentary Floor? The Role of Gender in Speech-making in the Swedish Riksdag
H Bäck, M Debus, J Müller
Political Research Quarterly 67 (3), 504-518, 2014
Pre-electoral commitments and government formation
M Debus
Public Choice 138, 45-64, 2009
Legislative agenda‐setting in parliamentary democracies
T Bräuninger, M Debus
European Journal of Political Research 48 (6), 804-839, 2009
Economic voting under coalition governments: Evidence from Germany
M Debus, M Stegmaier, J Tosun
Political Science Research and Methods 2 (1), 49-67, 2014
Political parties, parliaments and legislative speechmaking
H Bäck, M Debus
Springer, 2016
Der Einfluss von Koalitionsaussagen, programmatischen Standpunkten und der Bundespolitik auf die Regierungsbildung in den deutschen Ländern
T Bräuninger, M Debus
Politische Vierteljahresschrift 49, 309-338, 2008
Regional government formation in varying multilevel contexts: A comparison of eight European countries
H Bäck, M Debus, J Müller, H Bäck
Regional studies 47 (3), 368-387, 2013
When do women speak? A comparative analysis of the role of gender in legislative debates
H Bäck, M Debus
Political Studies 67 (3), 576-596, 2019
Partisan politics in corporate taxation
S Osterloh, M Debus
European Journal of Political Economy 28 (2), 192-207, 2012
Personal characteristics of MPs and legislative behavior in moral policymaking
M Baumann, M Debus, J Müller
Legislative Studies Quarterly 40 (2), 179-210, 2015
Government formation and policy formulation in the German states
T Däubler, M Debus
Regional & Federal Studies 19 (1), 73-95, 2009
und Martin Gross. 2016. Coalition formation at the local level
M Debus
Party Politics 22 (6), 835-846, 2016
Reform Processes and Policy Change: Veto Players and Decision-Making in Modern Democracies
T König, G Tsebelis, M Debus
Challenges for estimating policy preferences: Announcing an open access archive of political documents
K Benoit, T Bräuninger, M Debus
German Politics 18 (3), 441-454, 2009
Office and policy payoffs in coalition governments
M Debus
Party politics 14 (5), 515-538, 2008
Intra-party diversity and ministerial selection in coalition governments
H Bäck, M Debus, WC Müller
Public Choice 166 (3-4), 355-378, 2016
Party competition and government formation in Germany: Business as usual or new patterns?
T Bräuninger, M Debus, J Müller, C Stecker
German Politics 28 (1), 80-100, 2019
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