Philippe Favre
Philippe Favre
Zimmer Biomet
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Effects of glenoid component version on humeral head displacement and joint reaction forces: an experimental study
RW Nyffeler, R Sheikh, TS Atkinson, HAC Jacob, P Favre, C Gerber
Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery 15 (5), 625-629, 2006
Misalignment of total ankle components can induce high joint contact pressures
N Espinosa, M Walti, P Favre, JG Snedeker
JBJS 92 (5), 1179-1187, 2010
Mechanical and handling properties of braided polyblend polyethylene sutures in comparison to braided polyester and monofilament polydioxanone sutures
DM Wüst, DC Meyer, P Favre, C Gerber
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 22 (11), 1146-1153, 2006
The effect of component positioning on intrinsic stability of the reverse shoulder arthroplasty
P Favre, PS Sussmann, C Gerber
Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery 19 (4), 550-556, 2010
Medial support by fibula bone graft in angular stable plate fixation of proximal humeral fractures: an in vitro study with synthetic bone
G Osterhoff, D Baumgartner, P Favre, GA Wanner, H Gerber, HP Simmen, ...
Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery 20 (5), 740-746, 2011
Latissimus dorsi transfer to restore external rotation with reverse shoulder arthroplasty: a biomechanical study
P Favre, MD Loeb, N Helmy, C Gerber
Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery 17 (4), 650-658, 2008
An algorithm for estimation of shoulder muscle forces for clinical use
P Favre, R Sheikh, SF Fucentese, HAC Jacob
Clinical biomechanics 20 (8), 822-833, 2005
A larger critical shoulder angle requires more rotator cuff activity to preserve joint stability
AF Viehöfer, C Gerber, P Favre, E Bachmann, JG Snedeker
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 34 (6), 961-968, 2016
Influence of component positioning on impingement in conventional total shoulder arthroplasty
P Favre, B Moor, JG Snedeker, C Gerber
Clinical Biomechanics 23 (2), 175-183, 2008
Superior versus anteroinferior plating of the clavicle: a finite element study
P Favre, P Kloen, DL Helfet, CML Werner
Journal of orthopaedic trauma 25 (11), 661-665, 2011
An integrated model of active glenohumeral stability
P Favre, M Senteler, J Hipp, S Scherrer, C Gerber, JG Snedeker
Journal of biomechanics 45 (13), 2248-2255, 2012
Numerical modelling of the shoulder for clinical applications
P Favre, JG Snedeker, C Gerber
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2009
Comparative mechanical testing of different geometric designs of distal first metatarsal osteotomies
P Vienne, P Favre, D Meyer, R Schoeniger, S Wirth, N Espinosa
Foot & ankle international 28 (2), 232-236, 2007
Primary isolated subtalar arthrodesis: outcome after 2 to 5 years followup
C Diezi, P Favre, P Vienne
Foot & ankle international 29 (12), 1195-1202, 2008
Metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis after failed Keller-Brandes procedure
P Vienne, A Sukthankar, P Favre, CML Werner, A Baumer, PO Zingg
Foot & ankle international 27 (11), 894-901, 2006
Moment arms of forearm rotators
AK Bremer, GR Sennwald, P Favre, HAC Jacob
Clinical Biomechanics 21 (7), 683-691, 2006
Effect of experimental suprascapular nerve block on active glenohumeral translations in vivo
CML Werner, D Weishaupt, S Blumenthal, A Curt, P Favre, C Gerber
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 24 (3), 491-500, 2006
Chronic pseudoparalysis needs to be distinguished from pseudoparesis: a structural and biomechanical analysis
L Ernstbrunner, R El Nashar, P Favre, S Bouaicha, K Wieser, C Gerber
The American journal of sports medicine 49 (2), 291-297, 2021
Primary stability and stiffness in ankle arthrodes—Crossed screws versus anterior plating
MM Betz, EE Benninger, PP Favre, KK Wieser, MM Vich, N Espinosa
Foot and Ankle Surgery 19 (3), 168-172, 2013
The role of the subscapularis in preventing anterior glenohumeral subluxation in the abducted, externally rotated position of the arm
CML Werner, P Favre, C Gerber
Clinical Biomechanics 22 (5), 495-501, 2007
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