Mattias De Wael
Mattias De Wael
Lecturer in Programming
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Partitioned global address space languages
M De Wael, S Marr, B De Fraine, T Van Cutsem, W De Meuter
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 47 (4), 1-27, 2015
Just-in-time data structures
M De Wael, S Marr, J De Koster, JB Sartor, W De Meuter
2015 ACM International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and …, 2015
Fork/join parallelism in the wild: Documenting patterns and anti-patterns in java programs using the fork/join framework
M De Wael, S Marr, T Van Cutsem
Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Principles and Practices …, 2014
Just-in-time data structures: towards declarative swap rules
M De Wael
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Dynamic Analysis, 33-34, 2015
Data interface+ algorithms= efficient programs: Separating logic from representation to improve performance
M De Wael, S Marr, W De Meuter
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Implementation, Compilation …, 2014
Just-in-time inheritance: a dynamic and implicit multiple inheritance mechanism
M De Wael, J Swalens, W De Meuter
Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Dynamic Languages, 37-47, 2016
Which problems does a multi-language virtual machine need to solve in the multicore/manycore era?
S Marr, M De Wael, M Haupt, T D'Hondt
Proceedings of the compilation of the co-located workshops on DSM'11, TMC'11 …, 2011
When spatial and temporal locality collide: The case of the missing cache hits
M De Wael, D Ungar, T Van Cutsem
Proceedings of the 4th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance …, 2013
How to achieve scalable fork/join on many-core architectures?
M De Wael, T Van Cutsem
Proceedings of the 3rd annual conference on Systems, programming, and …, 2012
Data Interface+ Algorithms= Efficient Programs
M De Wael, S Marr, W De Meuter
International Workshop on Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of …, 2014
Fork/Join computations
M De Wael
Fork/Join Parallelism in the Wild
M De Wael, S Marr, T Van Cutsem
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Artikel 1–12