Marcello Natili
Marcello Natili
Assistant professor, University of Milan
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The politics of minimum income: Explaining path departure and policy reversal in the age of austerity
M Natili
Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
Active inclusion as an organisational challenge: integrated anti-poverty policies in three European countries
M Heidenreich, N Petzold, M Natili, A Panican
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 30 (2), 180-198, 2014
Worlds of last-resort safety nets? A proposed typology of minimum income schemes in Europe
M Natili
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 36 (1), 57-75, 2020
Explaining different trajectories of minimum income schemes: Groups, parties and political exchange in Italy and Spain
M Natili
Journal of European Social Policy 28 (2), 116-129, 2018
A federalist’s dilemma: Trade-offs between social legitimacy and budget responsibility in multi-tiered welfare states
G Bonoli, M Natili, P Trein
Journal of European Social Policy 29 (1), 56-69, 2019
Explaining Italian “exceptionalism” and its end: Minimum income from neglect to hyper‐politicization
M Jessoula, M Natili
Social Policy & Administration 54 (4), 599-613, 2020
Italy: Implementing the new minimum income scheme
M Jessoula, M Natili, M Raitano
ESPN Flash Report 35, 2019
In-work poverty in Italy
M Raitano, M Jessoula, E Pavolini, M Natili
ESPN Thematic Report of European Social Policy Network, 2019
Two decades on, Italy finally introduces a national minimum income scheme
M Raitano, M Natili, M Jessoula
ESPN Flash Report 6, 2018
Minimum income: the Italian trajectory
I Madama, M Jessoula, M Natili
Gli Annali di LPF: Anno 2014, 1-28, 2014
ESPN Thematic Report on Challenges in long-term care–Italy
M Jessoula, E Pavolini, M Raitano, M Natili
European Commission, 2018
Minimum income: the Italian trajectory: one, no one and one hundred thousand minimum income schemes
I Madama, M Jessoula, M Natili
LPF Working Papers 1, 2014
National Report: Italy
I Madama, M Natili, M Jessoula
Deliverable D5 3, 2013
Strengthening minimum income protection in Southern and Eastern Europe? Pressures from within and from beyond
M Jessoula, M Matsaganis, M Natili
22nd International Conference of Europeanists, Paris, France, 2015
‘Exclusionary welfarism’: a new programmatic agenda for populist right-wing parties?
M Jessoula, M Natili, E Pavolini
Contemporary Politics 28 (4), 447-468, 2022
The politics of minimum income
M Natili
Explaining path departure and policy reversal in the age of, 2019
Di «cittadinanza» o di «emergenza»? Politiche e politica del reddito minimo nella pandemia
M Natili, M Jessoula, E Caizzi
Social Policies 8 (3), 511-530, 2021
Children against parents? The politics of intergenerational recalibration in Southern Europe
M Natili, M Jessoula
Social Policy & Administration 53 (3), 343-356, 2019
A farewell to universalism, a farewell to equality? The Paradox of Redistribution in the era of the new politics of the welfare state
I Madama, M Natili
Social Policies 3 (3), 459-478, 2016
The Politics of the European Minimum Wage: Overcoming Ideological, Territorial and Institutional Conflicts in the EU Multi‐level Arena
M Natili, S Ronchi
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 62 (3), 725-743, 2024
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