Eva Belke
Eva Belke
Professor of Psycholinguistics, Ruhr-University Bochum
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Refractory effects in picture naming as assessed in a semantic blocking paradigm
E Belke, AS Meyer, MF Damian
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 58 (4), 667-692, 2005
Age of acquisition effects in picture naming: Evidence for a lexical-semantic competition hypothesis
E Belke, M Brysbaert, AS Meyer, M Ghyselinck
Cognition 96 (2), B45-B54, 2005
Cumulative and non-cumulative semantic interference in object naming: Evidence from blocked and continuous manipulations of semantic context
E Belke, A Stielow
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (11), 2135-2160, 2013
Long-lasting inhibitory semantic context effects on object naming are necessarily conceptually mediated: Implications for models of lexical-semantic encoding
E Belke
Journal of Memory and Language 69 (3), 228-256, 2013
Early activation of object names in visual search
AS Meyer, E Belke, AL Telling, GW Humphreys
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 14 (4), 710-716, 2007
Top-down effects of semantic knowledge in visual search are modulated by cognitive but not perceptual load
E Belke, GW Humphreys, DG Watson, AS Meyer, AL Telling
Perception & Psychophysics 70 (8), 1444-1458, 2008
Tracking the time course of multidimensional stimulus discrimination: Analyses of viewing patterns and processing times during “same”-“different “decisions
E Belke, AS Meyer
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 14 (2), 237-266, 2002
Effects of working memory load on lexical-semantic encoding in language production
E Belke
Psychonomic bulletin & review 15 (2), 357-363, 2008
Single and multiple object naming in healthy ageing
E Belke, AS Meyer
Language and Cognitive Processes 22 (8), 1178-1211, 2007
Visual determinants of preferred adjective order
E Belke
Visual Cognition 14 (3), 261-294, 2006
Use of word length information in utterance planning
AS Meyer, E Belke, C Häcker, L Mortensen
Journal of Memory and Language 57 (2), 210-231, 2007
The role of task-specific response strategies in blocked-cyclic naming
E Belke
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 1955, 2017
Language production in a shared task: Cumulative semantic interference from self-and other-produced context words
RS Hoedemaker, J Ernst, AS Meyer, E Belke
Acta Psychologica 172, 55-63, 2017
Word form retrieval in language production
AS Meyer, E Belke
The Oxford handbook of psycholinguistics, 2007
Language play facilitates language learning: Optimizing the input for gender-like category induction
J Bebout, E Belke
Cognitive research: principles and implications 2 (1), 1-26, 2017
AlignTool: The automatic temporal alignment of spoken utterances in German, Dutch, and British English for psycholinguistic purposes
L Schillingmann, J Ernst, V Keite, B Wrede, AS Meyer, E Belke
Behavior research methods 50 (2), 466-489, 2018
Strategic origins of early semantic facilitation in the blocked-cyclic naming paradigm.
E Belke, Z Shao, AS Meyer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 43 (10 …, 2017
Verbal fluency difficulties in aphasia: A combination of lexical and executive control deficits
A Bose, A Patra, GE Antoniou, RC Stickland, E Belke
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 2022
Das Vorlesen von Kinderbüchern als implizites Mittel zur Sprachförderung im Bereich Grammatik
F von Lehmden, J Kauffeldt, E Belke, K Rohlfing
Praxis Sprache 1, 18-27, 2013
Constructing a (Second) Language: Grammatikalisierung in Sprachwandel und Schriftspracherwerb
E Belke
OBST. Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie (1985) 73, 15-33, 2007
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